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15 Nov 2004 : Column 1008W—continued

Environmental Protection Policies/Specialists

Norman Baker: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what mechanisms are in place to ensure policies she assesses as vital for environmental protection purposes cannot be overruled by (a) the Department for Trade and Industry and (b) the Department for Transport. [196846]

Mr. Morley: There are frequent discussions between Ministers and officials of the relevant Departments about issues with a bearing on the environment. All Departments are committed to the vision of sustainable development set out in our strategy, "A Better Quality of Life" (Cm 4345), and therefore to the appraisal of their policies for environmental, social and economic impacts.

Miss McIntosh: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how much of her Department's annual budget was spent on the payment of external environmental specialists in each year since June 2001. [197189]

Alun Michael: The information requested is not held centrally. Expenditure on external environmental specialists is part of the Department's expenditure on professional services. As part of its preparations for and implementation of the Gershon value for money agenda in Defra, a detailed analysis of departmental expenditure on professional services is being undertaken currently. I will place a copy of the analysis in the House of Commons Library in due course.

EU Committees

Angus Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many times during the Greek Presidency of the EU the committee (a) on implementation of the Directive establishing a Community policy regarding water, (b) for the adaptation to scientific and technical progress of the Directive on water intended for human consumption and (c) for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of the directive on methods of measurement and
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frequencies of sampling and analysis of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water in the member states met; when and where these meetings took place; which UK Government expert was present at each meeting; what (i) technical and (ii) financial issues were raised by the UK Government expert at each meeting; what recommendations the Committee produced during that period; what actions were (A) proposed and (B) taken by (1) the EU and (2) the UK Government as a result of the Committee's recommendations; and if she will make a statement. [193397]

Mr. Morley: The information is as follows:

(a) The Committee on implementation of the Directive establishing a Community policy regarding water

The EU Committee on the implementation of the Directive establishing a Community policy regarding water met in Brussels on 6 May 2003 during the Greek Presidency. A representative from Water Quality Division, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs attended the meeting on behalf of the UK. Issues discussed at the Committee included work priorities for 2003 and 2004, and implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC. The EU used the outcome of the meeting to take forward the Common Implementation Strategy including intercalibration. The UK used the outcome of the meeting to aid its implementation of the Directive.

(b) The EU Committee for the adaptation to scientific and technical progress of the Directive on water intended for human consumption

The Drinking Water Directive Management Committee met in Brussels on 8 May 2003 during the Greek Presidency. Representatives from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Drinking Water Inspectorate and an observer from the Northern Ireland Drinking Water Inspectorate were present.

Technical issues considered included sampling and monitoring for radioactivity, lead, copper and nickel, and studies on drinking water. The outcome of the meeting was an agreed text of a draft Common Decision to amend technical Annexes to the Directive. Interim guidance for water companies issued by the Drinking Water Inspectorate already includes advice on these issues.

(c) The Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of the Directive on methods of measurement and frequencies of sampling and analysis of surface water intended for the abstraction of drinking water in the member states

The Committee did not meet during the Greek Presidency.

Angus Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many times during the Greek presidency of the EU the Scientific Review Group for the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade met; when and where these meetings took place; which UK Government expert was present at each meeting; what (i) technical and (ii) financial issues were raised by the UK Government expert at each meeting; what recommendations the Committee produced during that period; what actions were (A) proposed and (B) taken
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by (1) the EU and (2) the UK Government as a result of the Committee's recommendations; and if she will make a statement. [193399]

Mr. Morley: The Scientific Review Group (SRG) met twice during the period of the Greek Presidency, on 30 January 2003 and 22 May 2003, on both occasions in Brussels.

UK representation normally comprises a representative from each of the two independent Scientific Authorities: the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (for animals), and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (for plants). Government officials do not attend these meetings. The two independent Scientific Authorities both act in relation to each of their specialisms as single voices representing the wider UK scientific perspective in meeting responsibilities to examine scientific questions relating to the application of Council Regulation 338/97. The SRG examines scientific questions relating to the application of Council Regulation 338/97 and introduction of species to the EU. The decisions of the SRG are referred to as opinions.

The UK representatives raised the following technical issues at the meeting on 30 January 2003: application of Article 4 in relation to Pulsatrix melanota from Peru, and the inclusion of Oxyura jamaicensis on Annex B under the provisions of Article 3.2.d. At the meeting of 22 May 2003 the UK raised the following issues: Psittacus erithacus from Cote d'lvoire; Geochelone pardalis from Zambia; the Article 4.6.c Working Group, and the listing of Gonystylus spp. on Annex B to Council Regulation 338/97. No financial issues were raised by the UK at either meeting.

The following opinions were agreed by the SRG at the respective meetings:

30 January 2003

The SRG concluded that the Commission should consider adding the following species to Annex D of Council Regulation 338/97:

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The SRG recommended that the Commission should delete the following species from Annex D:

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The SRG concluded that the Commission should consider adding the following species to Annex B of Council Regulation 338/97 on the basis of Article 3.2(d):

22 May 2003

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With reference to Testudo graeca terrestris, member states are requested to refer any import applications from Lebanon for captive bred or ranched reptile species (source "F", "R" or "C") back to the SRG.

All import applications for Leucocephalon yuwonoi from Indonesia are to be considered by the SRG.

The SRG decided to maintain the positive opinion on the hunting trophies of Ursos arctos from British Columbia subject to evidence of adequate progress with the implementation of the recommendations made by the BC Government's second Independent Scientific Panel in time for the 2004 hunting season.

The SRG concluded that the Commission should consider deleting the following reptile species from Annex D of Council Regulation 338/97:

The SRG requested the Commission to list Harpagophytum spp on Annex D of Council Regulation 338/97.

Action of the European Commission and UK Government

As a result of the opinions taken, negative opinions for several species were formalised (as recommended above) by the European Commission by their inclusion in Commission Regulation 776/2004 of 26 April 2004 suspending the introduction into the Community of specimens of certain species of wild fauna and flora.

Changes to the Annexes of Regulation 338/97 were made by the European Commission (in line with recommendations above) through Commission Regulation (EC) No 1497/2003 subsequently superseded by Commission Regulation (EC) 834/2004 amending Council Regulation 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein.

The UK Government approved these changes and implements the recommendations of the Scientific Review Group by taking account of this advice when considering applications for import permits for any of the species/country combinations referred to above.

Angus Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many times during the Greek Presidency of the EU the committee
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(a) for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress and implementation of the Directive on urban waste-water treatment and (b) protection of water against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources met; when and where these meetings took place; which UK Government expert was present at each meeting; what (i) technical and (ii) financial issues were raised by the UK Government expert at each meeting; what recommendations the Committee produced during that period; what actions were (A) proposed and (B) taken by (1) the EU and (2) the UK Government as a result of the Committee's recommendations; and if she will make a statement. [193402]

Mr. Morley: The information is as follows:

(a) The Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress and implementation of the Directive on urban waste-water treatment

There was no technical and adaptive Committee of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive held during the Greek Presidency.

(b) The Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress and implementation of the Directive for the protection of water against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources

The technical and adaptive Committee for the Nitrates Directive met in Brussels on one occasion during the Greek Presidency on 27 March 2003. Representatives from the Scottish Executive and Water Quality Division, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs were present at the meeting on behalf of the UK.

Issues discussed at the Committee included grassland fertilisation and nitrates, potential techniques for tracing the origin of nitrate, draft monitoring guidelines for groundwater and surface waters, and the linkages between good farming practice and support for rural development from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund.

The EU proposed to use the outcomes of the meeting to advise its consideration of member states' requests for a grassland derogation, and to further develop the draft monitoring guidelines. The EU requested written comments on each item discussed. The UK Government provided written comments as requested.

Angus Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many times during the Greek presidency of the EU the Committee for the adaptation to technical progress of the directive on (a) bathing water and (b) the quality of fresh water needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life met; when and where these meetings took place; which UK Government expert was present at each meeting; what (i) technical and (ii) financial issues were raised by the UK Government expert at each meeting; what recommendations the Committee produced during that period; what actions were (A) proposed and (B) taken by (1) the EU and (2) the UK Government as a result of the Committee's recommendations; and if she will make a statement. [193403]

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Mr. Morley: The information is as follows:

(a) The Committee for the adaptation to technical progress of the directive on bathing water

This Committee did not meet during the Greek presidency. Therefore neither the question of current UK representation on the Committee nor that of actions proposed or taken as consequences of Committee recommendations arose.

(b) The Committee for the adaptation to technical progress of the directive on the quality of fresh water needing protection or improvement in order to support fish life

This Committee did not meet during the Greek presidency. Therefore neither the question of current UK representation on the Committee, nor that of actions proposed or taken as consequences of Committee recommendations arose.

Angus Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many times during the Greek Presidency of the EU the Committee for the adaptation to technical progress of the decision establishing a common procedure for the exchange of information on the quality of surface fresh water in the Community met; when and where these meetings took place; which UK Government expert was present at each meeting; what (a) technical and (b) financial issues were raised by the UK Government expert at each meeting; what recommendations the Committee produced during that period; what actions were (i) proposed and (ii) taken by (A) the EU and (B) the UK Government as a result of the Committee's recommendations; and if she will make a statement. [193404]

Mr. Morley: This Committee did not meet during the Greek presidency and has not met for more than seven years. Therefore, during this time, neither the question of current UK representation on the Committee nor that of actions proposed or taken as consequences of Committee recommendations has arisen.

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