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Supplementary Estimates

The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. David Blunkett): Plans of changes to the departmental expenditure limit and administrative cost limit for 2004–05.

Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary supplementary estimate, the Home Office's departmental expenditure limits for 2004–05 will be increased by £425,962,000 from £12,907,509,000 to £13,333,471,000 and the administration costs limits will be increased by £123,687,000 from £3,496,679,000 to £3,620,366,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:


*Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.


The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:

End Year Flexibility totalling £243,278,000 comprising:

Administration costs, £142,552,000:

£58,251,000 to section A; £2,536,000 to section F; £2,862,000 to section G; £78,903,000 to section I being carry forward of 2003–04 DEL underspending into 2004–05 under the DEL EYF scheme.

Programme costs, £100,726,000:

£36,760,000 to section A; £9,488,000 to section B; £20,099,000 to section D; £8,196,000 to section F; £14,535,000 to section G; £9,861,000 to section H; £1,500,000 to section I; £287,000 to section M being carry forward of 2003–04 DEL underspending into 2004–05 under the DEL EYF scheme.

Invest to Save fund totalling £2,091,000 comprising:

£285,000 to section A for the Inner London Detox Centre; £350,000 section E for providing seamless access to treatment for drug mis-using offenders; £85,000 to section L for the south west prisons family support
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service; £891,000 to section M to fund the Peterborough Migration and Asylum Service project and £480,000 to the Youth Justice Board for family group conferencing and youth inclusion and support panels.

Transfers from Other Government Departments totalling £42,230,000 comprising:

£3,120,000 from the Department for Education and Skills comprising £1,002,000 to section E for substance misuse training for personal advisors as contribution to the pooled budget for the Young Peoples Substance Misuse Partnership Grant;

£1,500,000 to section K for education funding in the contracted prison estate; £618,000 to section L to fund education and training of offenders and delivery of targets in Wales; £38,940,000 from the Department of Health to section E as a contribution to the pooled budget for the Young People's substance misuse partnership grant. £140,000 from HM Custom & Excise to section P for special projects and electro mechanical services.

£30,000 from HM Treasury to section F as contribution to group of states against corruption (GRECO).

Transfer to other Government Department totalling £193,297,000 comprising:

£285,000 from section D to the Assets Recovery Agency to implement a communications strategy for maximising transfer of skills.

£89,170,000 to the Crown Prosecution Service comprising £1,129,000 from section B for 12 regional ASB Prosecutors to tackle anti-social behaviour; £6,591,000 from section D to maintain a Receiver's Panel to contribute to Regional Asset Recovery Tribunals and contribution to costs of Proceed of Crime Act and; £81,450,000 administration costs from the Criminal Justice System reserve.

£48,758,000 to the Department for Constitutional Affairs comprising £18,000 from section B for JSB—county court and juveniles; £337,000 from Section D for the centralisation of enforcement in centres' of excellence and £23,580,000 admin and £24,823,000 programme costs from the Criminal Justice System reserve.

£100,000 from section D to DEFRA as contribution to the Government Decontamination and Recovery Service Project.

£1,570,000 to the Department for Education and Skills comprising £1,500,000 from section G for funding Positive Activities for Young People and £70,000 admin costs from the DUP.

£13,403,000 to the Department of Health comprising £1,979,000 from section E for Arrest Referral Grant payments to Drug Action Teams to continue the development of heroin pilots; £10,400,000 from section K for prison healthcare payments and £1,024,000 from section I for Women's Services Primrose project; Sex Offenders Treatment Research community project; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy programme at Ashworth Hospital.
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£2,000,000 to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office comprising £1,000,000 from section D and £1,000,000 from section E as contributions to the Afghanistan Drugs plan.

£6,537,000 from section D to HM Customs & Excise for Project Cyclamen; regional asset recovery teams; cash forfeiture litigation team and the CIDA project.

£782,000 from section D to the Inland Revenue for the Money Laundering team in London and four regional asset recovery teams.

£1,033,000 to the National Assembly for Wales comprising of £315,000 from section A for operation Tarian; £654,000 from section B for Crime Reduction team and Business Crime Reduction advisor in NAW; £64,000 from section G for CCU pathfinder grant programmes.

£19,596,000 to ODPM comprising £244,000 from section A for local delivery managers funding; £9,697,000 from section B for the following activity in Government Offices: RCU tariffs for Crime: Reduction teams; Business Crime Reduction advisors; street crime work; Youth Crime Task Force (London) £6,579,000 from section E for: the former Drug Prevention Advisory service following integration in Government Offices in the Regions; capacity building in Criminal Justice Intervention Programme in the Regions; £2,356,000 from section G for: CCU pathfinder grant programmes; cross Government funding to DTA; capacity building framework and partnership work and £720,000 from the DUP for part of the core funding agreed in SR02 contribution for Government office network.

£10,033,000 from section A to the Scottish Executive for Airwave police communication systems £30,000 from section D to the Cabinet Office as contribution towards the funding of serious crime project.

Del Reserve Claims totalling £62,500,000 comprising:

£50,000,000 to section A for additional police funding and £12,500,000 to section O from the Efficiency Challenge Fund.

Classification changes totalling £45,000,000:

Re-classification of £45,000,000 Criminal Justice System reserve funding from capital to administration costs.
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End Year Flexibility totalling £156,425,000 comprising:

£13,343,000 to section A; £653,000 to section B; £38,099,000 to section D; £608,000 to section F; £90,987,000 to section I; £8,789,000 to section K; £3,946,000 to section M being carry forward of 2003–04 DEL underspending into 2004–05 under the DEL EYF scheme.

Invest to Save funds totalling £360,000 comprising:

£300,000 to section A for the Inner London Detox Centre; £18,000 to section E for seamless access to treatment for drug mis-using offenders; £4,000 to section L for the south-west prisons family support service; £38,000 to the Youth Justice Board for family group conferencing and youth inclusion and support panels.

Transfer to other government departments totalling £11,610,000 comprising:

£90,000 from section D to HM Custom & Excise for Project Cyclamen.

£5,000,000 from section I to the Department for Education and Skills for prison education.

£6,520,000 from the Criminal Justice System reserve to the Department for Constitutional Affairs as part of the capital reserve settlement.

Del Reserve Claims totalling £100,000,000:

£100,000,000 to section M reflecting the revised settlement for the single Asylum fund.

Classification changes totalling £45,000,000:

Re-classification of £45,000,000 Criminal Justice System reserve funding from capital to administration costs.

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