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17 Nov 2004 : Column 1502W—continued

Average Earnings

Paul Farrelly: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimates he has made of (a) changes in the level of average earnings of full-time employees in Newcastle-under-Lyme and (b) the proportion of national average earnings which these levels represented in each year since 1997. [198712]

Mr. Timms: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.

Letter from Len Cook to Mr. Paul Farrelly, dated 17 November 2004:

17 Nov 2004 : Column 1503W

Average gross weekly earnings for Newcastle-under-Lyme and the United Kingdom

MedianCV%% changeMeanCV%% change
2004 2362.5(11)8.78.3416.3(11)4.18.3
2004 3363.9(11)8.7414.9(11)4.1
United Kingdom

Newcastle-under-Lyme gross weekly earnings as a percentage of UK gross weekly earnings


(11) Key to quality:
Precise: CV <= 5%
Reasonably precise: CV > 5% and <= 10%
Acceptable: CV > 10% and <= 20%
(12) Data for 2004 excluding supplementary surveys for comparison with 2003.
(13) Data for 2004 including supplementary surveys.
Data for 1997 is currently only available from a different survey, which is discontinuous with the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE). Data from ASHE will not be available until later 2004 following a quality assurance process.
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, ONS.

17 Nov 2004 : Column 1504W

Bank Accounts

Jon Trickett: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what proportion of the population of (a) Hemsworth constituency, (b) the Yorkshire and Humber area and (c) England have no bank account. [198735]

Mr. Timms: Estimates from the 2002–03 Family Resources Survey show that 9 per cent. of households in the Yorkshire and Humber area have no account and 7 per cent. of households in England have no account. There is no data available at constituency level.

Central Government Administration

Mr. Amess: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what discussions he has had with Cabinet colleagues regarding levels of central Government administration. [198799]

Mr. Boateng: As part of the 2004 Spending Review the Chancellor had discussions with Cabinet colleagues about the scope for releasing resources in their departments to invest in essential, frontline services, including through real terms reductions in administration budgets.

Child Trust Fund

Paul Farrelly: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many families he estimates will benefit from the Child Trust Fund in (a) Newcastle-under-Lyme and (b) the country as a whole when it is introduced. [198709]

Mr. Timms: All children born since 1 September 2002 in families awarded child benefit will receive a Child Trust Fund. In 2005–06 around 700,000 families will benefit from the Child Trust Fund across the country as a whole. No estimate is available of the number of families benefiting in Newcastle-under-Lyme. However, there were around 8,000 new births across Staffordshire in 2002.

The CTF is intended to encourage parents and children to develop the savings habit. It will ensure that every child, whatever their family background, will have access to a stock of assets from the age of 18, so they can invest in their future.

It will also help children and their parents to understand the benefits of saving and investment and how to engage with financial institutions.

Children (North Somerset)

Brian Cotter: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many children between the ages of (i) birth and four years and (ii) five and seven years live in (a) the constituency of Weston-Super-Mare and (b) North Somerset local education authority. [198089]

Mr. Timms: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.

Letter from John Pullinger to Mr. Brian Cotter, dated 17 November 2004:

17 Nov 2004 : Column 1505W

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