Index for Volume 425—continued

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Ambulance services

    Paramedical staff 800w


    Mercedes-Benz Automobile 434w

Amess, Mr David

                  Chamber Debates

    Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 93-5

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Education, Southend on Sea 617-8w

    Environment protection, Southend on Sea 842w

    Housing, Southend on Sea 780w

    Jobcentre Plus, Southend on Sea 41-2w

    Public transport, Southend on Sea 874w

    Pupils, Nutrition 1560

    Water charges 95w

Ancram, Rt Hon Michael


    Frontiers, EC action 168w

Anderson, Rt Hon Donald

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (12.10.04) 159


    Maghreb, EC external relations 141-2

Anderson, Janet


    Broadband, Rossendale 759w

Anderson Inquiry

    see Lessons Learned from Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak Inquiry


Animal By-Products Regulations 2003


Animal experiments

    Disclosure of information 721w

Animal products

    Import controls 585w

Animal welfare


Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986


Annan, Kofi


    Battle of Trafalgar 590w


Antisocial behaviour

Antisocial behaviour orders

    Social rented housing 535wh

Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001



Arabic language

    Dept for International Development 985w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1252w


Arbuthnot, Rt Hon James


    Chinook helicopters, Safety 322w

    Export Credits Guarantee Dept, Trading funds 118-9w, 207w

    Freedom of Information Act 2000, Ministry of Defence 188w

    Insolvency Service, Manpower 121w

    Military aircraft, Safety 62w

    UK Trade and Investment, Internet 119w

Archaeological sites


    General certificate of secondary education 1154w


Armed conflict

Armed forces

    Falkland Islands 63w

    Ministers of religion 1206w

    Olympic Games 65w

Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Bill 2003/04

                  Chamber Debates

    Programme motion and Lords amendts (20.10.04) 900-48

Armoured fighting vehicles

Arms trade

    Aerospace industry 62w

    Democratic Republic of Congo 653-4w

    Libyan Arab Republic 899w

    Trade promotion 326w


Arriva Trains Northern

    Rolling stock 4w

Arsal, Shaiboub

Arscott, Vanessa

Art works



    Yorkshire and Humberside 820w


    Northern Ireland 217w


Ashford Hospital Middlesex

Asia-Europe meeting


    Industrial injuries disablement benefit 41w

    Occupational health 153w

ASTOR system

Astute class submarines



    Jobseeker's allowance 904w

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