Index for Volume 425—continued

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Board of Inland Revenue

    see Inland Revenue

Boateng, Rt Hon Paul, Chief Secretary to the Treasury

                  Written Statements

    Citizen information project 53ws


    Civil servants, Location 544-5w

    Civil servants, Redundancy 77w

    Interest rates, Housing 421-2

    International assistance 348w

    Northamptonshire Police, Finance 1098w

    Pensions, Public sector 79w

    Public bodies, Accountancy 1382w


    Intercountry adoption 14w

Bomb disposal

Booth, Cherie

Borrow, Mr David

                  Chamber Debates

Boscombe Down


Boswell, Mr Tim

                  Chamber Debates

    British Grand Prix, Points of order (11.10.04) 21

    Civil Partnership Bill (HL), 2R (12.10.04) 228, 244-6

    Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Bill (HL), Programme motion and Rep (27.10.04) 1508, 1524, 1526-7, 1529


    British citizenship, English language 168w

    Culture, Intellectual property 68w

    Higher education, Finance 1158w

    Railways, Milton Keynes 755

    Sector Skills Development Agency 981-2w

    Social security benefits 634w

    Young offenders, Administration of justice 277w


Bottomley, Peter

                  Chamber Debates

    Defence (21.10.04) 1076

    Higher education, Admissions (25.10.04) 1155

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Driving offences, Sentencing (13.10.04) 129-30wh


    Entry clearances 484w

    GCE A level, Mathematics 847w

    Hospitals, Waiting lists 1048w

    Ilois, Resettlement 273w

    Maharaj, Krishna 454w

    Stephen Lawrence Death Inquiry 602w

    Teachers, Qualifications 542-3w

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy

    see BSE

Bovine tuberculosis

    Disease control 84w

Bovine viral diarrhoea

    Disease control 88w

BOWMAN combat radio system


Bradley, Rt Hon Keith

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Manchester Metrolink (27.10.04) 431wh


    Child benefit, Greater Manchester 71w

Bradley, Peter

                  Chamber Debates

    Cannabis, Medical treatments (14.10.04) 518-22, 525

                  Westminster Hall Debates

Bradshaw, Mr Ben, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Coastal areas, Essex (12.10.04) 67-70wh


    Animals, Transport 555w

    Bovine tuberculosis, Deer 410w

    Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 84w

    Bovine viral diarrhoea, Disease control 88w

    Calf scours, Disease control 88w

    Catering, Government departments 335-6w

    Cetaceans, Conservation 92w

    European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals 335w

    Farmers, Tree planting 843w

    Fishing vessels 967w

    Foot and mouth disease, Vaccination 410-1w

    Lessons Learned from Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak Inquiry 333-4w

    National Fallen Stock Company 833w

    Nature conservation, Urban areas 1092w

    Pesticides, Health hazards 560w

    Poultry, Animal welfare 555-6w

    Poultry, Organic farming 557-8w

    Sites of special scientific interest, Railways 842w, 845w

Brady, Mr Graham

                  Chamber Debates

    Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 29

    Secondary education (18.10.04) 651-2

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Attendance allowance, Patients 37w

    Business questions 1034

    Dentistry, Training 138w

    Transport, Cost benefit analysis 269-72w

    Turkey, Human rights 137


Brake, Tom

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    British Council, Africa (20.10.04) 288-90wh


    Consultants, Dept for International Development 562-4w

    Dental services, Sutton 1193w

    Developing countries, Trade 272

    Ethnic groups, Dept for International Development 850-1w

    Middle East, Peace negotiations 280-1

    Pupils, Nutrition 1560

    UN Security Council, Sudan 1387w

Brazier, Mr Julian

                  Chamber Debates

    Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Bill, Lords amendts (20.10.04) 905, 914, 916, 921-4, 927

    Higher education, Admissions (25.10.04) 1152-3


    Developing countries, Trade 272

    Iraq, Export credit guarantees 1148w

    Judges, County courts 501w

    Police, Standards 615

    State retirement pensions 10

    Territorial Army, Manpower 944w


Breast cancer

    Buckinghamshire 499w

    Northern Ireland 671w


Breed, Mr Colin

                  Chamber Debates

    Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Bill, Lords amendts (20.10.04) 918-21, 937-8, 948


    Electricity, Ministry of Defence 188w

    Middle East, Armed conflict 899w

    Renewable energy, Ministry of Defence 189w

Brennan, Kevin

                  Chamber Debates

    Higher education, Admissions (25.10.04) 1149

    Parliamentary procedure (26.10.04) 1370

    Pensions (13.10.04) 291-2


    Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 943w

    Direct selling, Telephones 1247w

    Industrial health and safety 15-6

    Intercountry adoption 13-5w

    Intercountry adoption, Bolivia 14w

    Northern Ireland government 1258w



    Antisocial behaviour orders 891-2w

Bristol Channel

British Cattle Movement Service

British citizenship

    English language 168w

British Council

British Energy

    Government assistance 4-5ws

British Grand Prix

British Indian Ocean Territory

British Library

British Museum

British Nuclear Fuels

British overseas territories

British Potato Council

British Telecom

    Non-domestic rates 339w

British Waterways Board



    Scots Gaelic language (20.10.04) 993-1000

Brooke, Mrs Annette L

                  Chamber Debates

    Children, Protection (20.10.04) 953, 978


    Double taxation, USA 1380w

Brown, Rt Hon Gordon, Chancellor of the Exchequer


    Debts, Developing countries 407-10

    Loan guarantee scheme, Small businesses 410-1

    Travel, Treasury 886w

Brown, Rt Hon Nicholas

                  Chamber Debates

Brown, Mr Russell

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (13.10.04) 74wh, 80wh


Browne, Mr Desmond, Minister of State, Home Office


    Asylum, Afghanistan 481w

    Asylum, Applications 482w

    Asylum, Chechnya 164w

    British citizenship, English language 168w

    Entry clearances 484w

    Free movement of labour, Cyprus 483w

    Frontiers, EC action 168w

    Human trafficking 484w

    Immigration, Conferences 169w

    Managed Migration Directorate 485-6w

    Managed Migration Directorate, Manpower 170w

    Managed Migration Directorate, Public appointments 173w

    Passports, Fraud 169w

    Work permits, Care homes 185w

    Zakayev, Akhmed 481w

Browning, Mrs Angela

                  Chamber Debates

    Devon Partnership NHS Trust (25.10.04) 1263-7

    Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 28, 52, 76-9


    Health services, Devon 491w

    Mental health services 927w

    Mental health services, Devon 665w

    Mentally ill, Devon 350w

Bruce, Malcolm

                  Chamber Debates

    Christmas Day (Trading) Bill, Lords amendts (15.10.04) 534

    Sex Discrimination (Clubs and Other Private Associations) Bill, Rep adjourned (15.10.04) 589-92

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Industrial diseases, Compensation (26.10.04) 401-4wh


    British Telecom, Non-domestic rates 339w

    Combined heat and power 1240w

    Computers, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 267-8w

    Export credit guarantees 645-6w

    Export credit guarantees, Corruption 1240-2w

    Export credit guarantees, India 646w

    Post office card account 46-50w

    Renewable energy, Cost effectiveness 1238-40w

    Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 478w

Bryant, Mr Chris

                  Chamber Debates

    Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Bill (HL), Programme motion and Rep (27.10.04) 1495, 1501-3

    Parliamentary procedure (26.10.04) 1324


    House of Lords, Reform 1186w

    Jobcentre Plus 7

    Members, Computers 1290

    Probation, Mentally ill 613

    Small businesses, Loan guarantee scheme 411

    Witnesses, Intimidation 1573-4


    Disease control 334w

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