Index for Volume 425—continued

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Gale, Mr Roger

                  Chamber Debates

    Christmas Day (Trading) Bill, Lords amendts (15.10.04) 531, 541, 549-53, 562

    Crime (18.10.04) 670

    Housing, Points of order (15.10.04) 572


    Food, Labelling 914w

    Palace of Westminster, Repairs and maintenance 275w

    Times of sittings 9w

Galileo project

Gambling Bill 2003/04

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (18.10.04) 658


Gambling Bill (Draft)

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (18.10.04) 658


Gaming clubs


Gapes, Mike

                  Chamber Debates

    Defence (21.10.04) 1055


    Angola, Armed forces 886w

    Angola, Overseas aid 848w

Garages and petrol stations

Gardiner, Mr Barry, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Northern Ireland Office


    Air routes, Northern Ireland 670-1w

    Belfast Education and Library Board 1060-1w

    Ebrington School 377w

    Economic situation, Northern Ireland 1257w

    Electricity, Northern Ireland 1068-9w

    Employment, Belfast 1260w

    Foreign investment in UK, County Londonderry 232w

    Grammar schools, Northern Ireland 1356-7w

    Higher education, Northern Ireland 241-2w

    Industrial development, Castlereagh 219w

    Industrial Tribunal, Northern Ireland 231-2w

    Jobskills programme, Northern Ireland 313w

    Manufacturing industries, Northern Ireland 233w

    Northern Ireland Business Education Partnership 217-8w, 811-2w

    Northern Ireland education and library boards, Information technology 1067-8w

    Pain, Northern Ireland 1352w

    Pedestrian crossings, Northern Ireland 1356w

    Playing fields, Northern Ireland 678w

    Pre-school education, Northern Ireland 1070-1w

    Pupil exclusions, Northern Ireland 677w

    Queen's University Belfast, Student unions 518w

    Schools, Transport 238w

    Self-employed, Northern Ireland 240w

    Special educational needs, Northern Ireland 521-2w

    Teachers, Northern Ireland 240-1w

    Unemployment, Northern Ireland 1258w

    Wind power, Northern Ireland 241w

Garnier, Mr Edward

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (12.10.04) 166


    Official engagements, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 720w

Gas supply

    see Natural gas


    Northern Ireland 673w

GCE A level

    Buckinghamshire 292w

General certificate of secondary education

General practitioners

    Buckinghamshire 492w

    Per capita costs 932w

Genetically modified organisms

    Northern Ireland 225w

Genetically Modified Organisms Bill 2003/04

                  Chamber Debates

    2R order read (15.10.04) 594


Geneva Conventions

Genito-urinary medicine

George, Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    Postal services, Orkney (13.10.04) 397, 404

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Public telephones (12.10.04) 3wh, 6wh


    Biofuels, Licensing 84w

    Bovine tuberculosis, Deer 410w

    Cattle tracing system 85w

    Cetaceans, Conservation 92w

    Common fisheries policy 333w

    Genetically modified organisms, Crops 834w

    Genetically modified organisms, Developing countries 55-6w, 93w

    Information technology, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 831-2w

    Supermarkets, Codes of practice 337w

George, Rt Hon Bruce

                  Chamber Debates


Gerrard, Mr Neil

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (21.10.04) 1050


    Iraq, Detainees 32w

    Probation boards 172w

Gershon Review

Gibb, Mr Nick

                  Chamber Debates

    Secondary education (18.10.04) 656


    Antisocial behaviour orders 536wh

    Schools, Standards 1558


Gibraltar Services Police

Gibson, Dr Ian

                  Chamber Debates

    Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 32

    Mental health services, Norfolk (27.10.04) 1548, 1552

    Secondary education (18.10.04) 655


Gidley, Sandra

                  Chamber Debates


    Chiropody, Waiting lists 397w

    Criminal Records Bureau, Administrative delays 1001-2w

    Hospitals, Waiting lists 932w

    Post office card account, Disabled 767w

    Primary care trusts 667w

    School fruit and vegetable scheme, Romsey 351w

    Southampton General Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 1047-8w

Gift aid

Gill, Parmjit Singh


    Crimes of violence, Leicester 283-4w

Gillan, Mrs Cheryl

                  Chamber Debates

    Crime (18.10.04) 670


    Prison accommodation 486w

    Prison Service, Conditions of employment 200w

    Prison Service, Equal pay 176w

    Prisons, Research 176w

    Probation, Mentally ill 614

    St Helena, Economic situation 210w

Gilroy, Linda

                  Chamber Debates


    Aircraft carriers, Procurement 1126-7

    Common sugar regime 1011

    Higher education, Admissions 1360w

    Internet, Young people 280

    Iraq, Reconstruction 264w

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