Index for Volume 425—continued

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Jack, Rt Hon Michael


    Defence, Procurement 1126

    Prosecutions, Blackpool 1305w

Jackson, Ms Glenda

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (18.10.04) 635, (21.10.04) 1047


    Iraq, Crimes against humanity 735-6w

    Iraq, Overseas aid 852w

Jackson, Helen

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    British Council, Africa (20.10.04) 289wh


    Railways, South Yorkshire 761

Jackson, Mr Robert

                  Chamber Debates


    Arabic language, Dept for International Development 985w

    Arabic language, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1252w

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 946w

    Syrian Arab Republic, EC external relations 1022w

Jaguar Cars

Jamieson, Mr David, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport

                  Chamber Debates


    A1, East Midlands 606w

    A36, Speed limits 607w

    A66, Workington 433w

    A303, Wiltshire 432w

    Driving instruction, Standards 436w, 609w

    Driving offences, Cellular phones 875-6w

    Driving offences, Fixed penalties 823-4w

    Driving Standards Agency, Accountability 436w

    Driving under influence 865w

    Driving under influence, EC action 937w

    Exhaust emissions 432w

    Ferries, Safety 607w

    Galileo project 338w

    Inland waterways, Freight 431-2w

    Liquefied natural gas, Milford Haven 866-7w

    M27, Road signs and markings 437-8w

    Mercedes-Benz Automobile, Ambulances 434w

    Motor vehicles, Excise duties 6w, 876w

    Motor vehicles, Global positioning system 1227w

    Motor vehicles, Registration 7w

    Motorcycles, Accidents 3w

    Motorways, Police 610w

    Navigation, Republic of Ireland 938w

    Pedestrians, Accidents 938w

    Petrol alternatives 394w

    Roads, Greater London 5w

    Roads, Somerset 941w

    Roads, Yorkshire and Humberside 1229w

    Severn bridge, Tolls 5-6w

    Shipping, Freight 608w

    Speed limits, Driving offences 942w

    Speed limits, Lancashire 438w

    Speed limits, Schools 440w

    Tolls, Leeds 2w

    Traffic officers 3w

    Transport and Works Act 1992 875w

    Vehicle number plates 1227w

Jenkin, Mr Bernard


    Local government, Conferences 1106-7w

    Local government, North East region 1327w

    North East region, Leader of the House of Commons 819w

    Regional government 1113w

    Regional government, Pensions 1088-9w

    Travel, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 858w

    Travel, Treasury 886w

    "Your Region Your Choice White Paper" 1113w

Jenkins, Mr Brian


    Information technology, Cabinet Office 895w, 1119w

    Information technology, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 320w, 1049w

    Information technology, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 822w

    Information technology, Dept for Education and Skills 23-4w, 1154w

    Information technology, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 334w

    Information technology, Dept for International Development 57-8w, 744-5w

    Information technology, Dept for Transport 268w

    Information technology, Dept for Work and Pensions 475w

    Information technology, Dept of Health 286w, 1235w

    Information technology, Dept of Trade and Industry 207w

    Information technology, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 755w

    Information technology, Home Office 725w

    Information technology, Ministry of Defence 325w

    Information technology, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 108w, 1077w

    Information technology, Prime Minister 852-3w

    Information technology, Solicitor-General 12-3w

    Information technology, Treasury 703-4w

    Manpower, Dept of Trade and Industry 1311w

    Pre-school education, Teachers 537w

    Railway network 4w

    Railways, Capital investment 611w

    Railways, Repairs and maintenance 871w


Job creation

Jobcentre Plus


Jobseeker's allowance

Jobskills programme

    Northern Ireland 313w

Johnson, Rt Hon Alan, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

                  Chamber Debates

                  Written Statements

    Child Support Agency, Standards 55-7ws


    Incapacity benefit 1-5

    Jobcentre Plus 5-7

    State retirement pensions 9-12

Johnson, Mr Boris


    British Library, Finance 991-2w

    Hospitals, Closures 399w

    Lessons Learned from Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak Inquiry 333-4w

    Railways, Henley-on-Thames 4w

Johnson, Miss Melanie, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (13.10.04) 90-3wh

                  Written Statements

    "Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Surveillance in the UK Twelfth Annual Report, 2003" 33-4ws


    Ambulance services, Paramedical staff 800w

    Barking Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust, Sexually transmitted diseases 156w

    Cancer, Disease control 132w

    Cancer, Medical treatments 1198w

    Cervical cancer 398w

    Childbirth, Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 1199w

    Chlamydia infection 788w

    Chorley and South Ribble Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 788-9w, 795w, 801-2w

    CJD, Post-mortems 787w

    Colorectal cancer 246w

    Committee Examining Radiation Risks of Internal Emitters 356w

    Contraceptives, Young people 137w

    Cumbria and Lancashire Strategic Health Authority, Overview and scrutiny committees 931w

    Dental services, Lancashire 921-2w

    Dental services, Lincolnshire 1192-3w

    Dental services, Sunderland 919-20w

    Drugs, Rehabilitation 725w

    Drugs, Yorkshire and Humberside 350-1w

    Eyesight, Testing 924w

    Garages and petrol stations, Health hazards 800-1w

    General practitioners, Hartlepool 143w

    General practitioners, Manpower 143w

    Genetically modified organisms, Labelling 914w

    Genito-urinary medicine, Waiting lists 156w

    Health services, Asylum 1042w

    Human embryo experiments, Licensing 1043-4w

    Human Genetics Commission 793w

    Infectious diseases, Pets 1204w

    Injuries, Offensive weapons 1205w

    Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 794-5w

    Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 927w

    Macular degeneration, Research 1042w

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 354w

    NHS, Statistics 401w

    NHS treatment centres, York 1195w

    Passive smoking 669w

    Primary health care, Disabled 144w

    Prostate cancer, Screening 355-6w

    Salmonella, Eggs 915w

    School fruit and vegetable scheme 914-5w

    School fruit and vegetable scheme, Romsey 351w

    Sexually transmitted diseases 156w

    Sexually transmitted diseases, Greater London 404w

    Smoking, Working conditions 156-7w

    Social services, Expenditure 404-6w

    Surgery, Yorkshire and Humberside 925-6w

    Tattooing, Plastic surgery 931-2w

    York Hospital, Waiting lists 926w

Joint strike fighter aircraft

Jones, Helen M

                  Chamber Debates

    Higher education, Admissions (25.10.04) 1148, 1160

    School Transport Bill, 2R (28.10.04) 1609-10


    Council housing, North West region 1082-4w

    Housing, North West region 1082w

    Minimum wage, Warrington 1058w

    New deal schemes, Warrington 1030-1w

    Pension credit, Warrington 1030w

    Pensioners, Warrington 993w

    Public expenditure, Dept of Trade and Industry 882w

    Pupils, Nutrition 1562

    Social rented housing, North West region 1084-5w

Jones, Mr Jon Owen


    Turkey, Human rights 136-7

Jones, Mr Kevan

                  Chamber Debates

    Defence (21.10.04) 1060

                  Westminster Hall Debates

Jones, Dr Lynne

                  Chamber Debates

    Companies (Audit Investigations and Community Enterprise) Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (19.10.04) 776

    Iraq (12.10.04) 166

    Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 32


    Chlamydia infection 788w

    Community development 777w

    General certificate of secondary education, Standards 705w

    Health services, Asylum 1042w

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 714-5w

    Israel, EC external trade 31w, 753w

    Maternity services 146w

    Mentally ill, Human rights 796-7w

    Palace of Westminster, Security 1096w

    Pensions Commission 37w

    Pupils, Nutrition 1561

    Stop and search, Gloucestershire 413-4w

    Vehicle number plates 1227w

    Welfare tax credits 346w

    WMD Intelligence Review Committee 211-2w

Jones, Mr Martyn David


    Sudan, Armed conflict 1255w

Jones, Mr Nigel

                  Chamber Debates

    Crime (18.10.04) 677


    Injuries, Offensive weapons 1205w

Jones, Nina


Jowell, Rt Hon Ms Tessa, Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport

                  Chamber Debates

    Gambling Bill, 1R (18.10.04) 658

                  Written Statements

Joyce, Mr Eric

                  Chamber Debates

    Crime (18.10.04) 673

    Iraq (21.10.04) 1042


    Bosnia, Peace keeping operations 943w

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