Index for Volume 425continued
A Am At B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Ci Cr D Dh Dr Du E Em F Fo G Gl Gu H Hi Hu I Ip J Ju K Kn L Le Li Lu M Ma Me Mo My N Nu O Or P Ph Pr Ps Q R Re Ro Ru S Sh Sn Sq Sw T Th To Tw U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Kassim, Ghazi
Kaufman, Rt Hon Sir Gerald
Chamber Debates
Keeble, Ms Sally
Chamber Debates
Bangladesh, Politics and government 131-2
Children, Homelessness 535w
Interest rates, Housing 421-2
Pensioners, Means tested benefits 18-9
Secure training centres, Restraint techniques 729-30w, 824w
State second pension, Northamptonshire 50w
Keen, Ann
Excellence in cities 619w
Keetch, Mr Paul
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Armed forces, Discharges 440-1w
Iraq, Peace keeping operations 1129
Land Registry, Correspondence 501w
Local government finance, Herefordshire 1087w
Kell, Trevor
Kelly, Ruth, Minister for the Cabinet Office
Chamber Debates
Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill, Rep adjourned (15.10.04) 583-4
Written Statements
Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration, Equitable Life Assurance Society 43ws
Buildings, Cabinet Office 58-9w
Civil servants, Conditions of employment 719w
Civil servants, Disabled 766-7
Departmental coordination, Foreign policy 60w
Departmental reorganisation, Cabinet Office 357w
Departmental responsibilities, Cabinet Office 59w, 499-500w
Electronic government, Advertising 60-1w
Information technology, Cabinet Office 895w, 1119w
Manpower, Cabinet Office 894w
Ministerial policy advisors, Cabinet Office 1054w, 1380w
Ministerial policy advisors, Political activities 895-6w
Ministerial policy advisors, Vacancies 61-2w
Ministers, Telecommunications 1119w
Non-departmental public bodies 61w
Offices, Cabinet Office 1053w
"Preparing for Emergencies" 60w
Public Administration Select Committee, Cabinet Office 614w
Public expenditure, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 59w
Recruitment, Cabinet Office 1052-4w
Regulatory Impact Unit, Secondment 61w
Theft, Cabinet Office 500w
Yorkshire and Humberside, Cabinet Office 1053w
Kennedy, Rt Hon Charles
Chamber Debates
Ministerial statement intervention (21.10.04) 1039
Kennedy, Rt Hon Jane, Minister of State for Work, Dept for Work and Pensions
Westminster Hall Debates
Occupational pensions (19.10.04) 238-42wh
Written Statements
Employers' liability, Insurance 32ws
Rehabilitation centres 52ws
Deprivation indicators, Dept for Work and Pensions 1184w
Employers' liability, Insurance 475w
Employment schemes, Disabled 911w
Industrial health and safety 15-6
Industrial injuries, Early retirement 913-4w
Information technology, Dept for Work and Pensions 475w
Jobcentre Plus, Higher education 1185w
Jobcentre Plus, Southend on Sea 41-2w
Jobcentre Plus, Standards 34w
Jobcentre Plus, Welsh language 42-3w
Jobcentres, Skelmersdale 905-6w
Jobseeker's allowance, Asylum 904w
Jobseeker's allowance, East Lothian 636-7w
Members, Correspondence 473w
New deal for disabled people, Morley 637w
New deal schemes, Taunton 475-6w
New deal schemes, Yorkshire and Humberside 476-7w
Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, Industrial health and safety 477w
Offices, Dept for Work and Pensions 1182-3w
Social security benefits, York 407w
Standards, Dept for Work and Pensions 807w
Unemployment, Ipswich 14-5
Key, Mr Robert
Chamber Debates
Civil Partnership Bill (HL), 2R (12.10.04) 206-9
EC justice and home affairs (14.10.04) 448
Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 33
Westminster Hall Debates
Public telephones (12.10.04) 10-2wh
Air space, Boscombe Down 682w
Human embryo experiments, Licensing 1043-4w
Parliamentary data and video network 416-8w
Railway stations, Parking 439w
Transport, Salisbury 692w
Kidney, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Parliamentary procedure (26.10.04) 1315, 1322
Antisocial behaviour 481w
Common agricultural policy, Sustainable development 829w
Damages, Personal injury 1394w
Legal profession, Government departments 1575
Solicitors, Complaints 1288
Succession, Property 937w
Travel, Dept for Education and Skills 539w
Travel, Dept for Work and Pensions 473-4w
Travel, Ministry of Defence 709w
Travel, Solicitor-General 11-2w
Kidney patients
Kilfoyle, Mr Peter
Iraq, Cabinet committees 1024w
King, Andy
National Institute for Clinical Excellence 799-800w
King, Ms Oona
Westminster Hall Debates
Bangladesh, Politics and government 132
King's Cross Station
Kirkbride, Miss Julie
Chamber Debates
Secondary education (18.10.04) 657-8
Caravan sites, Property development 1300w
Kirkwood, Sir Archy
Chamber Debates
House of Commons, Art works 1095-6w
House of Commons, Recycling 274-5w
House of Commons, Waste disposal 819w
House of Commons Chamber 1302w
House of Commons Commission 566w
House of Commons Library 1096w
Palace of Westminster, Heating 803-5w
Palace of Westminster, Industrial health and safety 202-3w
Palace of Westminster, Repairs and maintenance 203w, 275w
Palace of Westminster, Television 417-8w
Parliamentary data and video network 418w
Public telephones, Scotland 1103w
Textiles and Clothing Strategy Group 1313-4w