Index for Volume 425—continued

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Knight, Rt Hon Greg

                  Chamber Debates

    Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill, Rep adjourned (15.10.04) 576, 579, 585

    Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Bill (HL), Programme motion and Rep (27.10.04) 1525-6, 1529, 1533-4

    Housing, Points of order (15.10.04) 527

    Sex Discrimination (Clubs and Other Private Associations) Bill, Rep adjourned (15.10.04) 586-8

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Manchester Metrolink (27.10.04) 444-7wh


    Agriculture, Weather 83w

    Electronic government, Advertising 60-1w

    Motor vehicles, Excise duties 6w

    Museums and galleries, Australia 267w

    Prisoners, National Lottery 200w

    Public transport, Disabled 864-5w

    Railways, Milton Keynes 755

    Speed limits, Cameras 693w

    Working tax credit 705w

Knight, Jim

                  Chamber Debates


    Airwave service 411w

    Business questions 1602

    Fire services, Telecommunications 104w

    Misrepresentation 127w

Knowledge economy


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