Index for Volume 425—continued

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Liabilities Management Authority

    see Nuclear Decommissioning Authority




    see Public libraries

Libyan Arab Republic

Licensed premises

Licensing laws

Liddell, Rt Hon Mrs Helen

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Industrial diseases, Compensation (26.10.04) 390wh

Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian

                  Chamber Debates


    Armed forces, Postal services 944w

    Crimes of violence 415w

    Dental services 919w

    Hospitals, Hygiene 353w

Lidington, Mr David


    Agriculture, Northern Ireland 1348w

    Armed forces, Monuments 944w

    Beef, Northern Ireland 1344w

    Bovine tuberculosis, Northern Ireland 310-1w

    Buildings, Northern Ireland Office 507w

    Catering, Northern Ireland Office 508w

    Civil servants, Industrial disputes 220-2w

    Grammar schools, Northern Ireland 1356-7w

    Identity cards, Northern Ireland 380w

    Monuments, Northern Ireland 675w

    Northern Ireland government 1421-2

    Pakistan, Entry clearances 471w

    Scheduled offences, Northern Ireland 519-20w

    Stationery, Northern Ireland Office 507-8w

    Weapons, Northern Ireland 1417

Life expectancy

Lighter Evenings Bill 2003/04

                  Chamber Debates

    2R order read (15.10.04) 594


    Dept for Education and Skills 530w

Lilley, Rt Hon Peter


    Pensioners, Means tested benefits 17


    General practitioners (15.10.04) 596-604

    Local government finance (26.10.04) 379-83wh

Linton, Martin

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Motor vehicles, Public footpaths 338-9w

    Occupied territories 144-5


Liquefied natural gas

Listed buildings

    Ministry of Defence 947w



Lloyd, Mr Tony

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (18.10.04) 640

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Climate change, Publicity 825w

    Industrial health and safety 16

Llwyd, Mr Elfyn

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (12.10.04) 167


    Agriculture, Subsidies 335w

    Correspondence, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1100w

    Disability living allowance 35w

    Farmers, Tree planting 843w

    Farms, Buildings 967w

    Fishing vessels 967w

    Import controls, Animal products 585w

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 713-4w

    Judges, Welsh language 892w

    Magistrates' courts 1394w

    Magistrates' courts, Closures 774w

    Overseas aid, EC enlargement 565w

    Select committees, Minor parties 681w

    Speed limits, Cameras 1224w

    Sudan, Armed conflict 147-8

    Welsh language, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 9w

Loan guarantee scheme

Local authorities

Local Authorities (Indemnities for Members and Officers) Order 2004

                  Chamber Debates

Local government

    Northern Ireland 517w

Local government finance

Local Network Fund for Children and Young People




    see Greater London

London Underground

Londonderry Station

    Repairs and maintenance 233w

Lone parents

Long stay patients

Lord Chief Justice


Lorry road user charge

Lorry Road User Charge Management Authority

Lost working days

Loughton, Tim

                  Chamber Debates

    Road traffic offences, Petitions (12.10.04) 258

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Driving offences, Sentencing (13.10.04) 126-30wh


    Children in care 24w

    Contracts, Dept for Work and Pensions 408w

    Doctors, Females 142w

    Genito-urinary medicine, Waiting lists 156w

    Healthcare Commission 399w

    Hospitals, Hygiene 397w

    Mental health services 147w

    Mentally ill, Abuse 147w

    Mentally ill, Hospital wards 147-8w

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 354w

    Property transfer, Dept of Social Security 1181-2w

    Social workers, Vetting 20-1w

    Welfare tax credits, Overpayments 347w

Love, Mr Andrew

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    United Nations (28.10.04) 511wh


    Antisocial behaviour orders 492-3wh

    Israel, Military aircraft 1178w

Low incomes

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