Index for Volume 425—continued

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Public Accounts Committee

Public Administration Select Committee

Public appointments

    Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 767-8

    Dept for Constitutional Affairs 1188w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 446w

    Dept for Education and Skills 1366w

    Dept for International Development 990w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 904w

    Managed Migration Directorate 173w

    Ministry of Defence 1371w

    North West Development Agency 44ws

    Northern Ireland Office 1263w

    Office of Surveillance Commissioners 21ws

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1101w

Public bodies

Public expenditure

    Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 59w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 882w

Public footpaths

"Public Guardianship Office Report and Accounts, 2003/04"

Public holidays

    British overseas territories 747-50w

Public libraries

Public order offences

Public participation

Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland

Public relations

Public service

    Northern Ireland 235w

Public telephones

Public transport

    Southend on Sea 874w


Pugh, Dr John

                  Chamber Debates

    Children, Protection (20.10.04) 968, 980, 990

    Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 37, 87-9


    Prescription drugs, Packaging 286w

    Schools, Admissions 296w

    Students, Finance 1571

Pupil exclusions

    Northern Ireland 677w

Pupil referral units


    Travelling people 534w

Purchase, Mr Ken

                  Chamber Debates


    Council housing, Standards 102w

PWS Ireland

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