Index for Volume 425—continued

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Safer neighbourhoods programme

Safety belts

    Northern Ireland 238w

St George's Day (Public Holiday) Bill 2003/04 (Proposed)

                  Chamber Debates

    Motion to introduce Bill negatived (27.10.04) 1435-9

St Helena

    Economic situation 210w

St Martin's School Epsom

    Standard assessment tasks 291-2w

St Michael's Hospital Lichfield


Salmond, Mr Alex

                  Chamber Debates

    Fisheries, Petitions (15.10.04) 528

    Horserace Betting and Olympic Lottery Bill, Lords amendts (14.10.04) 477-8

    Iraq, Points of order (20.10.04) 893


    Business questions 433

    Digital broadcasting, Scotland 1105-6w

    Energy, Scotland 1274

    Excise duties, Fuels 1295w


    Northern Ireland 673w

Salter, Mr Martin

                  Chamber Debates

    Cannabis, Medical treatments (14.10.04) 519


    Industrial injuries scheme, Asbestos 904-5w

    Jobcentre Plus 13

    Local government finance 784-6w

    Palace of Westminster, Security 274w


Sanders, Mr Adrian

                  Chamber Debates

    Devon Partnership NHS Trust (25.10.04) 1268-9


    Catering, Government departments 335-6w

    Fire services, Recruitment 778w

    Paramedical staff, Diabetes 930-1w

    Shipping, Freight 608w

    Welfare tax credits, Overpayments 428w

    Working tax credit, Overpayments 586w

Sarwar, Mr Mohammad

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Disadvantaged, Unemployment 858w

    Human Genetics Commission 793w

    Information Commissioner, Network Rail 1185-6w

    Network Rail, Planning permission 456-7w

    Railways, Environmental impact assessment 432w

    Sites of special scientific interest, Railways 842w, 845w

    Turkey, EC enlargement 473w


Saudi Arabia

    Diplomatic service 472w

    Kidney patients 146w

Savidge, Mr Malcolm

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (18.10.04) 636


    Economic situation, Scotland 1103w

Sayeed, Mr Jonathan

                  Chamber Debates

    Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Bill (HL), Programme motion and Rep (27.10.04) 1519


    USA, Climate change 134


    Official visits 471w

Scheduled offences

School choice

School fruit and vegetable scheme

School milk

School Transport Bill 2003/04

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (14.10.04) 440

    2R, Programme motion, Money res* and Carry-over motion (28.10.04) 1605-71

School Transport Bill (Draft)

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (14.10.04) 440


    Petitions (14.10.04) 517

Schools access initiative

    Buckinghamshire 631w



    Northern Ireland Executive Dept of Agriculture and Rural Development 314-5w, 386-7w


    Container terminals 687w

    Disability Discrimination Act 1995 1103w

    National Lottery 993w

    Radioactive wastes 999w

    State retirement pensions 1102w

    Welfare tax credits 244w

Scotland Act 1998 (Modifications of Schedule 5) Order 2004


Scotland Office

    Official residences 718w

    Public appointments 1238w

Scotland Yard

    see Metropolitan Police

Scots Gaelic language

Sea Cadet Corps

Secondary education

    Ministerial statements (18.10.04) 644-58


    Regulatory Impact Unit 61w

Sector Skills Development Agency

Secure training centres


Select Committee on Public Administration

    see Public Administration Select Committee

Select Committee on Standards and Privileges

    see Standards and Privileges Select Committee

Select committees


    Northern Ireland 240w


Sellar, Charlie

Selous, Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 60, 71, 105-8


    Antisocial behaviour orders 505-6wh

    Community development, Midlands 881-2

    Luton Airport, Air traffic 764

    Pensioners, Bedfordshire 349w

    Youth services 888


    Young offenders 773w

Sequestration of assets

    Proscribed organisations 1057w

Service charges

Set-aside schemes

Severe disablement allowance

Severn bridge



Sex Discrimination (Clubs and Other Private Associations) Bill 2003/04

                  Chamber Debates

    Rep adjourned (15.10.04) 586-93

Sexual offences

    Northern Ireland 522w

Sexually transmitted diseases

    Barking Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust 156w

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