Index for Volume 425continued
A Am At B Be Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Ci Cr D Dh Dr Du E Em F Fo G Gl Gu H Hi Hu I Ip J Ju K Kn L Le Li Lu M Ma Me Mo My N Nu O Or P Ph Pr Ps Q R Re Ro Ru S Sh Sn Sq Sw T Th To Tw U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Shakir, Adly
Shared ownership schemes
Shareholder Executive
Shaw, Mr Jonathan
Chamber Debates
Higher education, Admissions (25.10.04) 1148, 1159
Sheerman, Mr Barry
Chamber Debates
School Transport Bill, 2R (28.10.04) 1606
Civil servants, Redundancy 77w
English Heritage, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 190w
Historic buildings, Planning 455w
Museums and galleries, Yorkshire and Humberside 328w
Planning, City of London 273w
Shephard, Rt Hon Gillian
Chamber Debates
Sugar beet (11.10.04) 123-9
Wind power (25.10.04) 1209
Shepherd, Mr Richard
Chamber Debates
Sheridan, Mr Jim
Westminster Hall Debates
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (13.10.04) 72wh, 79wh
Crime, Northern Ireland 1260w
Knowledge economy, Scotland 1277
Shipley, Ms Debra
Chamber Debates
Children's Food Bill, 2R order read (15.10.04) 594
Short, Rt Hon Clare
Manufacturing industries 584w
Sick leave
Siemens Business Services
National Savings and Investments 1298w
Sight impaired
Simmonds, Mr Mark
Westminster Hall Debates
British Council, Africa (20.10.04) 290-3wh
Local government finance, Lincolnshire (26.10.04) 379-83wh
Afghanistan, Elections 651w
Afghanistan, Violence 297w
Belarus, Politics and government 1249-50w
Belarus, Referendums 1383w
British Council, Finance 746-7w
Cambodia, Politics and government 750w
Democratic Republic of Congo 752w
Developing countries, Forests 565w
Guinea-Bissau, Politics and government 755w
Haiti, Politics and government 304w
Iraq, Peace keeping operations 1253w
Libyan Arab Republic, Arms trade 899w
Mauritania, Military coups 900w
Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty 903-4w
Russia, Radioactive materials 1252w
Solomon Islands, Politics and government 757w
South East Asia, Tourism 361w
Sudan, Politics and government 757-8w
Timor-Leste, Foreign relations 367w
Simon, Mr Sion
Westminster Hall Debates
Aerials, Planning permission (26.10.04) 411wh, 414wh
Simpson, Mr Alan
Chamber Debates
Palace of Westminster, Points of order (12.10.04) 170
Firearms, Nottingham 606-7
Genetically modified organisms, Labelling 914w
Pakistan, Nuclear weapons 1255w
Prisons, Private sector 171w
Redundancy, Dept for Education and Skills 616w
Sure start programme 633w
USA, Military alliances 900w
Simpson, Mr Keith
Chamber Debates
Sugar beet (11.10.04) 123
Wind power (25.10.04) 1216
Westminster Hall Debates
Singh, Mr Marsha
Westminster Hall Debates
Occupational pensions (19.10.04) 236wh
Iraq, Peace keeping operations 884
Single parents
Single regeneration budget
Single sex education
Sites of special scientific interest
Sixth form education
Skinner, Mr Dennis
Chamber Debates
Iraq (18.10.04) 634, (21.10.04) 1044
Ministerial statement intervention (18.10.04) 641
Small businesses
Government contracts 769w
Loan guarantee scheme 410-1
Trade competitiveness 769w
Yorkshire and Humberside 1313w
Small claims
Smith, Rt Hon Andrew
Chamber Debates
Christmas Day (Trading) Bill, Lords amendts (15.10.04) 553
Smith, Angela, An Assistant Whip and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Northern Ireland Office
Written Statements
"Fisheries Conservancy Board for Northern Ireland Annual Report and Accounts, 2003" 21ws
Ambulances, Northern Ireland 1060w
Arthritis, Northern Ireland 309-10w
Birds, Northern Ireland 374-5w
Breast cancer, Screening 671w
Children, Northern Ireland 376w
Children in care, Northern Ireland 236w, 675w
Community health services, Information technology 1263w
Dental services, Northern Ireland 676w
Development plans, Belfast 374w
Diabetes, Northern Ireland 1346w
Domestic violence, Northern Ireland 311w
Down Lisburn HSS Trust, Telephones 232-3w
Driving tests, Northern Ireland 376-7w
Dyspraxia, Northern Ireland 509w
Eating disorders, Northern Ireland 1067w
Environment protection, Northern Ireland 1212w
Festivals and special occasions, Northern Ireland 509-10w
Fly tipping, Northern Ireland 1260-2w
Football, Northern Ireland 1358w
Gastroenteritis, Northern Ireland 673w
Genetically modified organisms, Northern Ireland 225w
Green Ministers Committee, Northern Ireland Office 673-4w
Health services, Northern Ireland 379w
Hearing aids, Northern Ireland 225-6w
Hearing impaired, Northern Ireland 378w
Hire services, Northern Ireland 316w
Home care services, Northern Ireland 224-6w
Hospital beds, Northern Ireland 672w
Hospitals, Northern Ireland 1351w
Housing, Northern Ireland 385-6w
Infectious diseases, Northern Ireland 1064w, 1345w
Influenza, Northern Ireland 1212-3w
Intercountry adoption, Northern Ireland 1350w
Irish language, Local government 811w
Local government, Pensions 407w
Long stay patients, Northern Ireland 1063-4w
Maternity services, Northern Ireland 678w
Medical equipment, Northern Ireland 377w
Mental health services, Northern Ireland 1213w
Mentally ill, Northern Ireland 234w
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, Northern Ireland 676w, 1262-3w
Monuments, Northern Ireland 675w
Motor vehicles, Licensing 314w
Motor vehicles, Testing 384-5w
Museums and galleries, Belfast 523w
Northern Ireland Executive, Irish language 312w, 811w
Nurses, Foreign workers 385w
Pain, Northern Ireland 1352w
Paper, Northern Ireland Office 376w
Pharmacy, Northern Ireland 1353w
Planning, Consultants 220w
Planning permission, County Down 217w
Planning permission, Northern Ireland 314w
Prescription drugs, Northern Ireland 378w
Prescriptions, Northern Ireland 1349w
Psychiatry, Northern Ireland 1072w
Radiography, Northern Ireland 518w
Refrigerators, Waste disposal 1355-6w
Royal Group of Hospitals and Dental Hospital HSS Trust, Heart diseases 237w, 671w
Schools, Northern Ireland 678w
Self-mutilation, Northern Ireland 387-8w
Sexually transmitted diseases, Northern Ireland 678-9w
Smoking, Northern Ireland 1357w
Sperrin Lakeland Health and Social Care Trust 672-3w
Sports, Northern Ireland 240w
Sportsgrounds, Northern Ireland 385w
Sure start programme, Northern Ireland 680w
Terminal care, Northern Ireland 218-9w
Tuberculosis, Northern Ireland 1359w
UK Clinical Research Collaboration, Northern Ireland 1063-4w
Waste disposal, Northern Ireland 674w
Smith, Geraldine
Chamber Debates
Regional planning and development, Lancashire 116-7w
Smith, Rt Hon Jacqui, Minister of State and Deputy Minister for Women, Dept of Trade and Industry
Chamber Debates
Civil Partnership Bill (HL), 2R (12.10.04) 174-82
Jaguar Cars, Coventry (26.10.04) 1412-4
Written Statements
North West Development Agency, Public appointments 44ws
Business, Government assistance 127w
Chemicals, EC action 760w
Discrimination, Homosexuality 118w
Ford Motor Company, West Midlands 119-20w
Foreign investment in UK, Yorkshire and Humberside 764-5w
Manufacturing Advisory Service, Finance 114-5w
Manufacturing industries, Greater London 121-2w
Mortgages, Homosexuality 767w
Pay, Yorkshire and Humberside 761-2w
Regional assistance 1000w
Regional development agencies 768w
Regional development grants 128w
Regional planning and development, Lancashire 116-7w
Regional selective assistance, North East region 1247w
Uniforms, Armed forces 996w
Yorkshire and Humberside, Dept of Trade and Industry 762w
Smith, Mr John
Chamber Debates
School Transport Bill, 2R (28.10.04) 1658
Smith, Llew
Chamber Debates
Iraq (12.10.04) 165, (21.10.04) 1050
British Nuclear Fuels, Westinghouse 115w
Combined heat and power 339w
India, Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty 357w
Iran, Capital punishment 369w
Iran, Nuclear weapons 657w
Iraq, Peace keeping operations 63-4w
Iraq, Politics and government 357w
Iraq conflict, Legal opinion 53w
Magnox reactors, Radioactive wastes 1312w
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Government assistance 425-6w
Radioactive materials, Transport 1210-1w
Terrorism, Nuclear power stations 173w
Smith, Sir Robert
Chamber Debates
Companies (Audit Investigations and Community Enterprise) Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (19.10.04) 807
Iraq (18.10.04) 640, (21.10.04) 1050
Westminster Hall Debates
Carbon dioxide, Air pollution 1019-20
Smoke alarms
Smyth, Rev Martin
Chamber Debates
Civil Partnership Bill (HL), 2R (12.10.04) 186, 235-7
Carers' allowances, Northern Ireland 1070w
Children, Northern Ireland 376w
Children in care, Northern Ireland 236w
Civil servants, Disabled 766-7
Developing countries, Trade 271
Disabled facilities grants 455w
Equal opportunities, Northern Ireland 809w
Football, Northern Ireland 1358w
Hearing impaired, Northern Ireland 378w
Hospital beds, Northern Ireland 672w
Maternity services, Northern Ireland 678w
Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Empty property 811w
Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Inspections 811w
Public appointments, Northern Ireland Office 1263w
Royal Group of Hospitals and Dental Hospital HSS Trust, Heart diseases 237w, 671w
Sperrin Lakeland Health and Social Care Trust 672-3w
Sudan, Armed conflict 210w