Index for Volume 425—continued

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Snow and ice

Soames, Mr Nicholas

                  Chamber Debates


    Armed forces, Falkland Islands 63w

    Chief Scientific Adviser, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 952w

    Foot and mouth disease, Vaccination 410-1w

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 64w, 1131

    Listed buildings, Ministry of Defence 947w

    Territorial Army, Manpower 190w

Social Care Institute for Excellence

Social Fund

Social rented housing

    Antisocial behaviour orders 535wh

Social security benefits

    Welfare tax credits 36w

Social services

Social workers

Soley, Mr Clive

                  Chamber Debates


    Ukraine, Elections 661w


    Information technology 12-3w

    Operating costs 10w



Solomon Islands

    Politics and government 757w



    Dental services 922w

    Local government finance (27.10.04) 472-9wh

    Pupil exclusions 631w

South Africa

    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 694w

South East Asia

South East region

    Health insurance 586w

South Eastern Trains

South Georgia

South Sandwich Islands

South Tyneside

South West region

South West Trains

South Yorkshire


Southampton General Hospital

    Accident and emergency departments 1047-8w

Southend Hospital

    Magnetic resonance imagers 495w

Southend on Sea

    Environment protection 842w

    Public transport 874w


Southworth, Ms Helen

                  Chamber Debates

    Prepared Food (Provision of Information) Bill, 1R (26.10.04) 1305-7


Sovereignty of Parliament (European Communities) Bill 2003/04

                  Chamber Debates

    2R order read (15.10.04) 594



    Leave of absence (15.10.04) 527

Speaker and deputies

                  Chamber Debates

    Orders and regulations motions (25.10.04) 1261

    Private Members' bill orders (15.10.04) 594-5

    Royal Assent (28.10.04) 1557

    Rulings and statements, Fifteen minutes rule (25.10.04) 1171

    Rulings and statements, Ten minutes rule (21.10.04) 1074, (25.10.04) 1208

    Rulings and statements, Unparliamentary expressions (25.10.04) 1130, (27.10.04) 1502

    Standing Order No 24 applications, Microtherm International (20.10.04) 894

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Points of order (28.10.04) 508wh

    Rulings and statements, Debates (12.10.04) 27wh

Special constables

    Thames Valley Police 201w

Special educational needs

Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal

    Buckinghamshire 542w

Special purchase evacuated dwellings scheme

Speech impaired

Speech therapy

Speed limits

    Driving offences 942w

Spellar, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Northern Ireland Office


    Asbestos, Industrial injuries scheme 217w

    Belfast Station, Repairs and maintenance 816w

    Carers, Northern Ireland 375-6w

    Carers' allowances, Northern Ireland 1070w

    Children, Maintenance 1345w

    City of Derry Airport 383w

    Closed circuit television, Northern Ireland 808-9w

    Council housing, Belfast 674-5w

    Equal opportunities, Northern Ireland 809w

    Housing, County Down 379w

    Identity cards, Northern Ireland 380w

    Industrial injuries scheme, Northern Ireland 1352w

    Local government finance, Northern Ireland 1064-8w

    Londonderry Station, Repairs and maintenance 233w

    National insurance, Northern Ireland 385w

    Northern Ireland Child Support Agency 807-8w

    Northern Ireland Executive, Ministerial policy advisors 315-6w

    Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Empty property 811w

    Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Inspections 811w

    Parking, Northern Ireland 813-4w

    Pension credit, Northern Ireland 1071w

    Pensions, Northern Ireland 1071w

    Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland 513w

    Post offices, Northern Ireland 234w

    Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland 814-6w

    Public service, Northern Ireland 235w

    Racial discrimination, Northern Ireland 1259-60w

    Regional planning and development, Northern Ireland 1072-3w

    Road signs and markings, Northern Ireland 235-6w

    Road signs and markings, Religious buildings 220w

    Road traffic, County Londonderry 519w

    Sexual offences, Northern Ireland 522w

    Sick leave, Northern Ireland 240w

    Special purchase evacuated dwellings scheme, Northern Ireland 1347-8w

    Travelling people, Northern Ireland 524w

    Water Service, Northern Ireland 1074w


Spelman, Mrs Caroline


    Electronic government, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 103-4w

    Energy, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 103w

    Fraud, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 105w

    Government Office for London 778w

    Homelessness, Scotland 718w

    Homelessness, Wales 819w

    Housing, Low incomes 880-1

    Kidney patients, Jersey 398-9w

    Local authorities, Internet 781w

    Standards Board for England 424w

Sperrin Lakeland Health and Social Care Trust

Spicer, Sir Michael


    Business questions 436

    Insolvency practitioners 121w

Spink, Bob

                  Chamber Debates

    Canvey Island, Petitions (19.10.04) 864

    Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 37

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Antisocial behaviour orders 1576

    Armed forces, Asbestosis 717-8w

    Breast cancer, Surgery 131w

    British Museum, Finance 442w

    Castle Point Borough Council, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 101w

    Cervical cancer 398w

    Class sizes, Castle Point 528-9w

    Digital broadcasting, Essex 445w

    Driving under influence, EC action 937w

    Drugs, Rehabilitation 790w

    Fenchurch Street-Southend railway line 394w, 864w

    Flood control, Thames Gateway 423-4w

    Health services, Thames Gateway 669-70w

    Housing, Canvey Island 419w

    Human trafficking 33w

    Information officers, Home Office 1126w

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 1128-9

    Local government finance 572w

    Magnetic resonance imagers, Southend Hospital 495w

    Multiple sclerosis, Aimspro 495-6w

    National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Conflict of interests 666w

    Offices, Dept for Work and Pensions 1183-4w

    Paper, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 91w

    Paper, Dept of Health 285w

    Paper, Home Office 197w

    Paper, Northern Ireland Office 376w

    Paper, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 109w

    Paper, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 7-8w

    Paper, Prime Minister 53w

    Police, Public relations 178w

    Prisons, Scotland 1282

    Railways, Essex 4w

    Railways, Overcrowding 939w

    Redundancy, Dept for International Development 55w

    Redundancy, Dept for Work and Pensions 408w

    Redundancy, Dept of Health 349w

    Redundancy, Home Office 1123w

    Redundancy, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 7w

    Redundancy, Prime Minister 52w

    Redundancy, Scotland Office 206w

    Right of search, Codes of practice 279w

    Schools, Canvey Island 1164w

    Schools, Intimidation 632w

    Secondary education, Essex 1567

    Social security benefits, Take-up 807w

    Special educational needs, Essex 27-8w

    Terrorism, Northern Ireland 1258-9w

    Trespass, Travelling people 414w

    Turkey, EC enlargement 1256w

    Winter fuel payments, Castle Point 1290w

    Work permits, Care homes 185w


    Northern Ireland 240w

Sports Council


    Northern Ireland 385w

Spring, Mr Richard


    After school clubs, Suffolk 979w

    Class sizes, Suffolk 1154w

    Disabled facilities grants 1108w

    General practitioners, East Anglia 247-8w

    Norfolk Suffolk and Cambridgeshire Strategic Health Authority, Densitometers 922-3w

    Post offices, Suffolk 999w

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