Index for Volume 425—continued

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Todd, Mr Mark

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Community support officers 1432


Tonge, Dr Jenny

                  Chamber Debates

    Children, Protection (20.10.04) 950, 964

    Defence (21.10.04) 1083

    Secondary education (18.10.04) 653


    Health education, Richmond upon Thames 543w

    Middle East, Armed conflict 1178w


    Winter fuel payments 1290w


    Complementary medicine 890-2

Touhig, Mr Don, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Constitutional Affairs & Office of the Secretary of State for Wales


    Homelessness, Wales 819w

    Laura Ashley 8w

    Official residences, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1101w

    Paper, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 7-8w

    Recruitment, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1303-4w

    Redundancy, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 7w

    Travel, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 8w

    Welsh language, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 9w


    South East Asia 361w


Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995

                  Chamber Debates


Toys and games

    Computer software 992w


    Developing countries 271-2

Trade and Industry Select Committee

Trade competitiveness

    Small businesses 769w

Trade promotion

Trade unions

    Yorkshire and Humberside 451w

Trading funds

Traffic officers


    Community support officers 165w

    Educational psychology 618w



    Government offices for the regions 1309-10w

    Northern Ireland 678w

Transport and Works Act 1992




    Dept for Education and Skills 539w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 473-4w

    Ministry of Defence 709w

    Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 858w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 8w

Travel restrictions

Travelling people

    Buckinghamshire 274w

    Northern Ireland 524w


    Cellular phones 704w

    Deprivation indicators 549w

    Green Ministers Committee 703w

    Information officers 1057w

    Ministerial policy advisors 1298w

    Public appointments 1099w

Tredinnick, Mr David

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (18.10.04) 640

Tree planting


    Travelling people 414w

Trespassers on Land (Liability for Damage and Eviction) Bill 2003/04

                  Chamber Debates

    2R order read (15.10.04) 594


Trickett, Jon


    Higher education, Admissions 1366w

    Police, Standards 615

    Railways, Disabled 762

    Tenants, Antisocial behaviour 495-6wh

Trident missiles

Trimble, Rt Hon David

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (21.10.04) 1041


    Business questions 1597

    Manufacturing industries, Northern Ireland 233w

Truswell, Mr Paul

                  Chamber Debates

    Aerials, Planning permission (18.10.04) 739-42


    Arriva Trains Northern, Rolling stock 4w

    Direct selling, Unfair practices 318-9w

    Elderly, Burglary 159w




Turner, Mr Andrew

                  Chamber Debates


    Adult education, Isle of Wight 616-7w

    Fathers Direct 22w

    Food, Imports 53w

    Hedges and ditches 329w

    Retirement, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 31w

    Retirement, Solicitor-General 10-1w

    Road signs and markings, Environment protection 681-2w

    Single regeneration budget, Operating costs 776w

    Social security benefits, Welfare tax credits 36w

    Sure start programme 28-9w

Turner, Mr Dennis


    Refreshment Dept, Procurement 1095w

Turner, Dr Desmond

                  Chamber Debates

    Civil Partnership Bill (HL), 2R (12.10.04) 177, 221-2


    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 890

    USA, Climate change 133-4

Turner, Mr Neil


    Aircraft carriers, Procurement 944w, 1128

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