Index for Volume 425—continued

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White, Brian

                  Chamber Debates

    Aerials, Planning permission (18.10.04) 739

    Jaguar Cars, Coventry (26.10.04) 1411


    Nigeria, Overseas aid 265w

White fish

Whitehead, Dr Alan

                  Chamber Debates

    Wind power (25.10.04) 1226


    Business questions 1029

    Housing, Shared ownership schemes 776-7w

    Solicitors, Complaints 1288

Whittingdale, Mr John

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Coastal areas, Essex (12.10.04) 64-7wh

Wicks, Malcolm, Minister of State for Pensions, Dept for Work and Pensions

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Occupational pensions 36w

    Pension credit, Coventry 806w

    Pension credit, East Lothian 341-2w

    Pension credit, Forest of Dean 637w

    Pension credit, Leeds 1038w

    Pension credit, South East region 911w

    Pension credit, Warrington 1030w

    Pension Protection Fund 35w

    Pensioners, Greater London 244-5w

    Pensioners, Income support 36w

    Pensioners, Means tested benefits 17-9

    Pensioners, Overseas residence 45-6w

    Pensioners, Yorkshire and Humberside 912w

    Pensions, Advisory services 911-2w

    Pensions, Insolvency 342w

    Pensions, Uprating 913w

    Pensions, Wandsworth 638w

    Pensions Commission 37w

    Stakeholder pensions 1288w

    State earnings related pension scheme, Uprating 639w

    State earnings related pension scheme, Widowed people 638-9w

    State retirement pensions 1289w

    State second pension, Northamptonshire 50w

    Winter fuel payments, Carlisle 637w

    Winter fuel payments, Castle Point 1290w

    Winter fuel payments, Overseas residence 904w

    Winter fuel payments, Tooting 1290w

    Winter fuel payments, Wandsworth 1291w

Widdecombe, Rt Hon Ann

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (12.10.04) 161

    Iraq conflict, Points of order (12.10.04) 170

    Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 23, 43, 61

Widowed people

    State earnings related pension scheme 638-9w

Wiggin, Mr Bill

                  Chamber Debates


    Absenteeism, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 7w

    Agriculture 91w

    British Cattle Movement Service, Operating costs 84-5w

    BSE, Disease control 334w

    Employment, Preseli 547w

    Freight, Fuels 759

    Hydroelectric power, Elan Valley 762-3w

    Incapacity benefit, Preseli 1286w


Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981


Wilf Ward Family Trust

Wilkinson, Mr John

                  Chamber Debates

    EC justice and home affairs (14.10.04) 444-5, 453


    Falkland Islands, Armed conflict 1134

Willetts, Mr David

                  Chamber Debates


    Buildings, Dept for Work and Pensions 1040w

    Consultants, Dept for Work and Pensions 408w

    Housing benefit, Administrative delays 40-1w

    Pensions, Public sector 79w

    State retirement pensions 11-2

    Stationery, Dept for Work and Pensions 408w

    Working tax credit, Older workers 1382w

Williams, Rt Hon Alan

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (18.10.04) 636


    Auditor General for Wales 8w

    NHS foundation trusts, Elections 923-4w

Williams, Hywel

                  Chamber Debates

    Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 99-101


    Jobcentre Plus, Welsh language 42-3w

Williams, Mr Roger

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Council tax, Valuation (26.10.04) 363-4wh


Willis, Mr Phil

                  Chamber Debates

    Ministerial statement intervention (18.10.04) 654

    Secondary education (18.10.04) 649-50


    Headteachers, Vacancies 619w

    Teachers, Primary education 979w

Wills, Mr Michael


    Agriculture, Subsidies 958w

Wilshire, Mr David

                  Chamber Debates

    Homicide, Points of order (27.10.04) 1547


    Ashford Hospital Middlesex 487w

    Regional development agencies 768w

    Regional government 460w

    Respite care, North West Surrey Mental Health NHS Partnership Trust 149w

Wilson, Mr Brian

                  Chamber Debates


    Devolution, Scotland 1282

    Mining, Pensions 122w


Wind power

    Northern Ireland 241w

Winnick, David

                  Chamber Debates

    Jaguar Cars, Coventry (26.10.04) 1409-10


    Business questions 1595

    Inland Revenue, Preston 583w

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 1139

    Members, Correspondence 483w

    Occupied territories 145-6

Winter fuel payments

    Overseas residence 904w

Winterton, Ann

                  Chamber Debates


    Armoured fighting vehicles, Procurement 1210w

    Bosnia, Peace keeping operations 596w

    Bovine viral diarrhoea, Disease control 88w

    Calf scours, Disease control 88w

    Defence equipment 710w

    European fighter aircraft 63w

    Fire services, Procurement 104w

    Northern Ireland government 1418

    Peace keeping operations, Sudan 391w

    Rapid reaction forces, EC countries 712-3w

Winterton, Sir Nicholas

                  Chamber Debates

    Civil Partnership Bill (HL), 2R (12.10.04) 219

    Parliamentary procedure, Points of order (26.10.04) 1406


    Weapons, Northern Ireland 1258w

Winterton, Ms Rosie, Minister of State, Dept of Health

                  Chamber Debates

    Mental Capacity Bill, 2R (11.10.04) 89, 111-2

                  Westminster Hall Debates

                  Written Statements

    "Mental Health Act Commission Accounts, 2003/04" 14ws


    Accident and emergency departments, Hampshire 1234-5w

    Asthma, Occupational health 153w

    Blood, Buckinghamshire 488w

    Breast cancer, Buckinghamshire 499w

    Cannabis, Medical treatments 787-8w

    Cellular phones, Dept of Health 1339w

    Chiropody, Buckinghamshire 488w

    Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health, Operating costs 245w

    Community health councils 134-6w

    Consultants, Dept of Health 918w

    Dental services, Buckinghamshire 489w

    Dental services, Finance 920-1w

    Dental services, Oxfordshire 919w

    Dental services, Recruitment 921w

    Dental services, Somerset 922w

    Depressive illnesses, Internet 493w

    Ear nose and throat, Disability aids 286-7w

    Electroconvulsive therapy, Consent to medical treatment 924-5w

    Food, Advertising 285w

    General practitioners, Buckinghamshire 492w

    Health services, Buckinghamshire 1041w

    Health services, Devon 491w

    Health services, Public participation 285-6w

    Heart diseases, Hampshire 349w

    Hospital beds, Buckinghamshire 487-8w

    Information officers, Dept of Health 355w

    Information technology, Dept of Health 286w, 1235w

    Mental Health Bill (Draft), Epilepsy 148-9w

    Mental health services, Devon 665w

    Mentally ill, Abuse 147w

    Mentally ill, Devon 350w

    Mentally ill, Hospital wards 147-8w

    Myasthenia gravis 286w

    National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Conflict of interests 666w

    NHS, Temporary employment 496w

    NHS Direct, Dental health 150w

    NHS treatment centres, Buckinghamshire 1048w

    Nurses, Buckinghamshire 496-8w

    Offices, Dept of Health 1236w

    Official residences, Dept of Health 928w

    Paper, Dept of Health 285w

    Paramedical staff, Diabetes 930-1w

    Pharmaceutical Industry Competitiveness Task Force 319w

    Pharmacy, Buckinghamshire 497-8w

    Prescription drugs, Packaging 286w

    Prescription drugs, Side effects 284w

    Prostate cancer, Screening 287w

    Public appointments, Dept of Health 932w

    Public expenditure, Dept of Health 285w

    Public relations, Dept of Health 287w

    Recruitment, Dept of Health 1339w

    Redundancy, Dept of Health 349w

    Respite care, North West Surrey Mental Health NHS Partnership Trust 149w

    Sight impaired, Health services 663w

    Southampton General Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 1047-8w

    Surrey and Sussex Strategic Health Authority, Dental services 138-40w, 246-7w

    Thames Valley Strategic Health Authority, Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 928-9w

    Two Shires Ambulance NHS Trust, Standards 670w

Wishart, Pete

                  Chamber Debates

    Broadcasting, Scots Gaelic language (20.10.04) 994, 998

    Civil Partnership Bill (HL), 2R (12.10.04) 180, 187, 193

    Iraq (21.10.04) 1043


    Battle of Flodden 445w

    Business questions 1596

    Freight, Fuels 760

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 1370w


WMD Intelligence Review Committee

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