Index for Volume 426—continued

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Fabricant, Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    European Council, Brussels Summit (EC) (08.11.04) 583

    Oral question time intervention (15.11.04) 1022


    Animal welfare, Protest 185w

    Crown copyright, Political parties 1547w

    Digital broadcasting 12

    Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Data protection 1491w

    Females, Science 446

    Freedom of information, Local authorities 1705-7w

    Information technology, Skilled workers 1932w

    Information technology, Training 836w

    Local authorities, Copyright 1347w

    Minimum wage, Wales 297-8

    Palestinian Authority 1729w

    Religious buildings, Repairs and maintenance 19-20

    Taxation, Databases 1724w

    Type 45 destroyers, Information technology 375w

    Vetting, Cabinet Office 618-9w

    Vetting, Dept for Constitutional Affairs 230-1w

    Vetting, Dept for Education and Skills 590w

    Vetting, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 446w

    Vetting, Dept for Transport 155-6w

    Vetting, Dept for Work and Pensions 1876w

    Vetting, Dept of Health 388w

    Vetting, Dept of Trade and Industry 207w

    Vetting, Home Office 1580w

    Vetting, Ministry of Defence 1819w

    Vetting, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 257w

    Vetting, Treasury 498w

    Whittington Barracks 110w

Fair trade initiative

    Official hospitality 363w


Falkland Islands

Fallon, Mr Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Pensions Bill, Ways and means res (15.11.04) 1058, 1062-4


    Dartford Tunnel 938w

    Schools, Transport 977w

Fallow initiative

Falun Gong

Family practitioner services

    Newcastle-under-Lyme 1678w


Farm Business Advice Service


    See also Agriculture

Farrelly, Paul


    Accident and emergency departments, Staffordshire 1372-3w

    Antisocial behaviour, Newcastle-under-Lyme 2045-6w

    Average earnings, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1502-3w

    Basic skills, Newcastle-under-Lyme 2114-5w

    Care homes, Fees and charges 1388w

    Care homes, Scotland 1389w

    Carers' allowances, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1650w

    Class sizes, Newcastle-under-Lyme 2115w

    Closed circuit television 2053w

    Cold weather payments, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1649w

    Community relations, Newcastle-under-Lyme 2046w

    Community support officers, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1570w

    Council tax benefits, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1648w

    Dental services, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1960-2w

    Digital broadcasting, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1797w

    Disabled, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1654-5w

    Disabled, Social security benefits 1863-4w

    Drugs, Newcastle-under-Lyme 2046w

    EC grants and loans, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1919w

    Education, Newcastle-under-Lyme 2113w

    Education maintenance allowance, Stoke on Trent 2118w

    Family practitioner services, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1678w

    Further education, Staffordshire 2117-9w

    General practitioners, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1679w

    Home energy efficiency scheme, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1864w

    Housing benefit, Pension credit 1650w

    Incapacity benefit, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1317-8w

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 1624w

    Industrial health and safety, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1884w

    Jobseeker's allowance, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1648w

    Long stay patients, Staffordshire 1677w

    Magistrates' courts, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1567w

    Manufacturing industries 1623w

    Maternity payments, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1649w

    Members, Correspondence 1941w

    Minimum wage, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1938w

    National Lottery, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1288w

    New businesses, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1911w

    New deal schemes, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1887-8w

    Newcastle-Under-Lyme Primary Care Trust 1394w

    Pre-school education, Newcastle-under-Lyme 2116-8w

    Primary health care, Staffordshire 1385w

    Regional selective assistance, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1919w

    Rehabilitation centres, Staffordshire 1674w

    Reoffenders, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1571-2w

    Research and development tax credit 1716w

    Schools, Newcastle-under-Lyme 2113-4w

    Small businesses, Government assistance 1618-9w

    Small businesses, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1919w

    Social services, Elderly 1997w

    State retirement pensions, Uprating 1648w

    Sure start programme, Newcastle-under-Lyme 2116w

    Teachers, Newcastle-under-Lyme 2164-6w

    Temporary employment, Conditions of employment 1616-7w

    Welfare tax credits, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1716w

    Winter fuel payments, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1184w


Female genital mutilation


    Afghanistan 1w

    Ministers of religion 442w

    Occupational health 920w

    State retirement pensions 918w



    Nitrate sensitive areas 1035w


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