Index for Volume 426—continued

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Iddon, Dr Brian

                  Chamber Debates

    Housing Bill, Lords amendts (08.11.04) 620, 658, 665


    Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Defence Scientific Advisory Council 1845-6w

    Drugs, Rehabilitation 1953w

    Energy, Conservation 2008w

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 1973w

    Science, Ministry of Defence 1846w

Identification parades

Identity cards


    Education maintenance allowance 163w

Illegal immigrants

    Channel tunnel 48w

Illsley, Mr Eric

                  Chamber Debates

    Gambling Bill, 2R (01.11.04) 71-3

    Health services, Barnsley (15.11.04) 1133-6

    Police (09.11.04) 716


    National income 502w




Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (Specification of Particularly Serious Crimes) Order 2004

                  Chamber Debates

Immigration and Nationality Directorate

Immigration controls

    Manchester Airport 53w

Immigration officers

Immobilisation of vehicles


In vitro fertilisation

    St George's Hospital Tooting 386-7w

Incapacity benefit


Income support

Independent Committee for Supervision of Telephone Services

Independent Police Complaints Commission

Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts

    see Monitor

Index linking

    Guaranteed minimum pensions 1269w


Indian subcontinent

    Entry clearances 524w

Indirect taxation


    Export credit guarantees 1927w

Industrial diseases

    Newcastle-under-Lyme 1624w

Industrial disputes

    Northern Ireland 234w

Industrial health and safety

    Manufacturing industries 1937w

    Newcastle-under-Lyme 1884w

Industrial injuries disablement benefit


    Government assistance 1931w

Indymedia UK

Infant foods

Infectious diseases



Information officers

    Dept for Constitutional Affairs 381w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 42w

    Dept for Education and Skills 372-3w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1259w

    Dept for International Development 256w

    Dept for Transport 433w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 428w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 832w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 346w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 7w

    Scotland Office 443w

Information technology

    Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1547-8w

    Dept for Constitutional Affairs 380w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 42w

    Dept for Education and Skills 590w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 578-9w, 2012w

    Dept for International Development 404w

    Dept of Trade and Industry 1918w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 518w

    Northern Ireland Child Support Agency 328-9w

    Nuclear power stations 367w

    Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 452w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1543w

    Type 45 destroyers 375w

Ingram, Rt Hon Adam, Minister of State, Ministry of Defence

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq, Ministerial statements (04.11.04) 539

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Defence Aviation Repair Agency (02.11.04) 29-31wh

                  Written Statements

    Armed forces, Training 24ws

    Armoured fighting vehicles, Procurement 76-7ws

    Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency, Standards 89ws

    Defence Intelligence and Security Centre, Standards 89ws

    Defence Storage and Distribution Agency, Standards 90ws

    Warship Support Agency, Standards 22-3ws


    Accountancy, Ministry of Defence 1821w

    Afghanistan, Detainees 1827w

    Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 214w

    Aircraft, Repairs and maintenance 545w

    Armed forces, Conduct 1826w

    Armed forces, Defamation 215w

    Armed forces, Dental services 1821w

    Armed forces, Equipment 1839w

    Armed forces, Logistics 101w

    Armed forces, Manpower 1846w

    Armed forces, Procurement 1811w

    Armed forces, Telecommunications 215-6w

    Armed forces, Vetting 546w

    Armoured fighting vehicles, Procurement 101-2w, 603w

    Army, Northern Ireland 1809w

    Army, Reorganisation 1811w

    Black Watch Regiment 1049w

    Bosnia, Peace keeping operations 107w

    Cellular phones, Ministry of Defence 1840w

    Conferences, Ministry of Defence 1817w

    Consultants, Ministry of Defence 1810w

    Corruption, Ministry of Defence 1538w

    Cost effectiveness, Ministry of Defence 1843w

    Cyprus, Peace keeping operations 1819w

    Defence equipment, Repairs and maintenance 1844w

    Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Defence Scientific Advisory Council 1845-6w

    Departmental expenditure limits, Ministry of Defence 549w

    Electronic government, Ministry of Defence 1823w

    Employment, Ministry of Defence 1823-4w

    European fighter aircraft, Procurement 109w

    Frigates, Harpoon missiles 102w

    Frigates, Operating costs 109w

    Future large aircraft 545w

    Future offensive aircraft 102w

    Information technology, Ministry of Defence 1823w

    Iraq, Depleted uranium 103w

    Iraq, Nuclear weapons 1832w

    Iraq, Politics and government 605w

    Iraq, Reconstruction 1835w

    Iraq conflict, Reserve forces 606w

    Iraq conflict, Rules of engagement 1054w

    Joint strike fighter aircraft 105w

    Land mines, Falkland Islands 1824-5w

    Legislation, Ministry of Defence 1816w

    McMaster, Stuart 552w

    Military aid, Caribbean 1828w

    Military aid, Colombia 1815w

    Military alliances, USA 1841w

    Military coups, Equatorial Guinea 1824w

    Military police, Criminal investigation 1847w

    Military police, Deployment 1847w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Ministry of Defence 1847w

    Navy, Procurement 106w

    Nuclear submarines, Decommissioning 1843w

    Nuclear weapons, Accidents 1054w

    Offices, Ministry of Defence 1840w

    Official residences, Ministry of Defence 1839-40w

    Parachuting, Training 1059w

    Patrol craft, Procurement 1851w

    Plutonium, Transport 551w

    Princess of Wales Royal Regiment 1843w

    Private finance initiative, Ministry of Defence 1843w

    Procurement, Ministry of Defence 1538-9w

    RAF Aldergrove, Asbestos 552w

    RAF Cottesmore, Harrier aircraft 1827w

    RAF Lyneham, Aviation 605w

    Royal Irish Regiment 1810w

    Science, Ministry of Defence 1846w

    Select committees, Ministry of Defence 1846w

    Standards, Ministry of Defence 1058w

    Type 45 destroyers, Information technology 375w

    Type 45 destroyers, Tomahawk missiles 108w

    Warships, Decommissioning 109w

    Warships, Repairs and maintenance 1849w

    Warships, Sales 604w

Inheritance tax


Inland Revenue






Integrated childrens system

Integrated Development Fund

Intelligence on Iraq WMD Review Committee

    see WMD Intelligence Review Committee

Intelligence services

Interception warrants

Interest rates

Intermittent custody

Internally displaced persons

International Atomic Energy Agency

International cooperation

International Development Select Committee


Internet service providers



    Northern Ireland 663w

Invest Northern Ireland

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