Index for Volume 426—continued

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Kaufman, Rt Hon Sir Gerald

                  Chamber Debates

    European Council, Brussels Summit (EC) (08.11.04) 577

    Hunting Bill, Points of order (18.11.04) 1471-2

    Hunting Bill, Lords amendts (18.11.04) 1484, 1489


Keeble, Ms Sally

                  Chamber Debates

    Health (16.11.04) 1176


    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 1005w

    Electromagnetic fields, Health hazards 849w, 872w

    Females, Pensions 442w

    Secure training centres, Restraint techniques 735-6w

    Taxation, Business links 801w

    Young offender institutions 906w

Keele University

Keen, Ann


Keetch, Mr Paul

                  Chamber Debates

    Defence, Procurement (04.11.04) 473, 483

    Iraq (04.11.04) 539


    Armed forces, Deployment 1849w

    Army, Conditions of employment 1058w

    Members, Correspondence 1818w

    Roads, Herefordshire 942w

Kellogg Brown and Root

Kelly, Ruth, Minister for the Cabinet Office

                  Chamber Debates

                  Written Statements

    Central Office of Information, Standards 5ws

    Civil servants, Sick leave 1ws

    Regulatory impact assessments 13ws

    Supply estimates, Cabinet Office 41ws


    Cellular phones, Cabinet Office 383w

    Civil servants, Industrial disputes 1242w

    Civil servants, Scotland 858w

    Civil service, Reform 944w

    Consultants, Cabinet Office 859w

    Crown copyright, Political parties 1547w

    Electronic government, Disadvantaged 1156-7

    Emergency powers 618w

    EU Civil Protection Monitoring and Information Centre 1239w

    Freedom of information, Cabinet Office 1239-40w

    Government departments, Procurement 858w

    Government departments, Working mothers 862w

    Higher civil servants, Recruitment 1236w

    Information officers, Cabinet Office 621w

    Information technology, Cabinet Office 619w

    Legislation, Cabinet Office 859w

    Members, Car allowances 127w

    Offices, Cabinet Office 1238w

    Official residences, Cabinet Office 129-30w

    Operating costs, Cabinet Office 382-3w

    Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration 1236w

    Pay, Cabinet Office 860w

    "Preparing for Emergencies" 1703w

    Press releases, Cabinet Office 861w

    Public expenditure, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 268-9w, 773w, 944w

    Resignations, Cabinet Office 268w

    Standards, Cabinet Office 1242w

    Sustainable Energy (CHP Provisions) Order 2003, Cabinet Office 862w

    Temporary employment, Cabinet Office 621w

    Theft, Cabinet Office 130w

    Vetting, Cabinet Office 618-9w

Kennedy, Rt Hon Charles

                  Chamber Debates

    European Council, Brussels Summit (EC) (08.11.04) 574-5


    Child Support Agency 1346

    Convention on the Future of Europe 302

    Iraq, Peace keeping operations 837-8

    National Assessment Agency 1346-7

    Regional government 302

Kennedy, Rt Hon Jane, Minister of State for Work, Dept for Work and Pensions

                  Written Statements

    Ethnic Minority Employment Task Force 110-1ws

    New deal schemes 98ws


    Accidents, Farms 909w

    Advertising, Dept for Work and Pensions 1877-8w

    Asbestos, Waste disposal 1648w

    Consultants, Dept for Work and Pensions 341w

    Data protection, Dept for Work and Pensions 1877w

    Debts, Advisory services 342w

    Dorset, Dept for Work and Pensions 1878-80w

    EC action, Dept for Work and Pensions 909-10w

    Employment schemes, Ethnic groups 1330-1w

    English language, Training 1208w

    Ethnic groups, Grants 1320w

    Females, Occupational health 920w

    Health and Safety Executive 1656w

    Health and Safety Executive, Manpower 1322w

    Industrial diseases, Asbestos 275-6w

    Industrial health and safety, Construction 471-2w

    Industrial health and safety, Heart diseases 1908w

    Industrial health and safety, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1884w

    Industrial health and safety, Prosecutions 1322-4w

    Industrial health and safety, Scotland 1322-3w

    Industrial injuries disablement benefit, Asbestos 246-7w

    Information technology, Dept for Work and Pensions 1194w

    Jobcentre Plus, Location 341w

    Jobcentre Plus, Redundancy 115-6w

    Jobcentre Plus, Standards 122-4w

    Jobcentre Plus, Training 124w

    Jobcentre Plus, Wales 474w

    Jobcentres, Argyll and Bute 1324-5w

    Jobcentres, Faversham 565-6

    Long term unemployed, Hendon 1186-7w

    Members, Correspondence 114w

    New deal for disabled people, Per capita costs 1889-91w

    New deal for lone parents 342-3w

    New deal for lone parents, North Yorkshire 1661w

    New deal for lone parents, Telford 343w

    New deal for young people 1893w

    New deal schemes, Newcastle-under-Lyme 1887-8w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Work and Pensions 1200w

    Older workers, Training 116-7w

    Private finance initiative, Dept for Work and Pensions 1897-8w

    Progress2work initiative 563-4

    Public relations, Dept for Work and Pensions 1194w

    Public sector, Occupational health 920w

    Unemployment, Eltham 1903w

    Unemployment, Nottingham 563

    Welfare to work 126w


Kent Constabulary

Key, Mr Robert

                  Chamber Debates

    Civil Partnership Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (09.11.04) 807-8

    Human Tissue Bill, Lords amendts (10.11.04) 887-8


    Armed forces, Training 553w

    Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust 1977-8w

    Church Commissioners, Departmental responsibilities 430w

    Dept of Finance and Administration 1279w

    Housing, Planning permission 1352w

    International Atomic Energy Agency, Conferences 1931w

    Mental health services, Wiltshire 1977w

    Salisbury Plain, Nature conservation 1261-2w

    Tour operators, Insolvency 715w

Key workers' living programme

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