Index for Volume 426—continued

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Race relations

Race Relations Act 1976


Racial discrimination

    Metropolitan Police 301w

Racial harassment

Racial violence

Racially aggravated offences


Radiation exposure


Radioactive Waste Management Committee

Radioactive wastes



RAF Aldergrove

RAF Cottesmore

RAF Fairford

RAF Kinloss

RAF Lossiemouth

RAF Lyneham

RAF Menwith Hill

RAF St Mawgan

Railway stations


    Sites of special scientific interest 151-2w

    Telecommunications 251w

Rammell, Mr Bill, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Ilois, Resettlement (03.11.04) 122-8wh

                  Written Statements

    Supply estimates, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 53-4ws


    Armed forces, Children 727w

    Bermuda, Personal savings 344-6w

    British Indian Ocean Territory 1560w

    British overseas territories, Taxation 406w

    Buildings, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1063-4w

    Caribbean, Disaster relief 701-2

    Caribbean, Hurricanes and tornadoes 1787-8w

    Cayman Islands, Drugs 71-2w

    Cayman Islands, Emergency powers 863w

    China, Economic growth 723w

    Colombia, Human rights 1062w

    Consultants, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 405w

    Contracts, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 864w

    Cuba, Prisoners 73w

    Deleg Rinpoche, Tenzin 1559w

    Diego Garcia, Detainees 225w

    Diego Garcia, Radioactive wastes 632w

    Disabled, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1787w

    European Convention on Human Rights, Mauritius 227-8w

    Falkland Islands, Aviation 1786w

    "Human Rights Annual Report, 2004" 75w

    Iran, Capital punishment 1340w

    Iraq, Crimes against humanity 726w

    Iraq, Religious freedom 1555w

    Jamaica, Crime prevention 1556w

    Lebanon, Syrian Arab Republic 623w

    Libyan Arab Republic, Human rights 1557w

    Members, Correspondence 1550w

    Middle East, Armed conflict 626-7w

    Offices, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 519w

    Official hospitality, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 724-5w

    Olympic Games, Greater London 1068-9w

    Sponsorship, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 632w

    Sustainable development, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1067w

    Tibet, Prisoners 724w

    UN Mission for a Referendum in Western Sahara 1561w

Randall, Mr John

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Community development, Greater London 2102w

    Freedom of information, Dept for International Development 1726-7w

    Freedom of information, Dept of Trade and Industry 1929w

    Freedom of information, Northern Ireland Office 1759w

    Freedom of information, Scotland Office 1742-3w

    Freedom of information, Solicitor-General 1711w

    Mentally ill, Hillingdon 174w

    Temporary employment, Dept for Transport 434w

    Temporary employment, Dept of Trade and Industry 831w

    Temporary employment, Northern Ireland Office 1746w

    Temporary employment, Scotland Office 443w


Rapid reaction forces

Rapid transit systems

Rapson, Syd


    Patrol craft, Fisheries 1290w

Rates and rating

    Northern Ireland 668w

Raynsford, Rt Hon Nick, Minister for Local Government, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

                  Written Statements

    Elections, City of London 1-2ws

    Local government finance 100ws


    Constituencies, Nottingham 1212w

    Council tax, Empty property 62w

    Council tax, Greater London 61-2w

    Council tax, Reform 846w

    Council tax, Second homes 62-3w

    Council tax, Tax yields 61w

    Council tax capping, Hertfordshire 846w

    Education, Standards 1215w

    English Regions Network 1216w

    Fire services, East Midlands 1218w

    Fire services, Nottinghamshire 1349w

    Fire services, Reorganisation 848-9w

    Fire services, Risk management 1348-9w

    Housing, Eastern region 1342

    Ilois, Resettlement 63w

    Landfill allowance trading scheme 182w

    Local authorities, Copyright 1347w

    Local government, Elections 849-50w

    Local government, Reform 1462w

    Local government, Voting rights 845-6w

    Local government finance, Lancashire 68w

    Local government finance, Lincolnshire 66w, 852w

    Local government finance, Worcestershire 844-5w

    Local government services, Rural areas 850w

    North West Development Agency, Manpower 1351w

    Regional government, Fire services 1471w

    Regional government, North West region 853w, 1355w

    Regional government, Referendums 1345w

    Regional government, Voting rights 259-60w

    Regional government, West Midlands 1227-8w

    Regional planning and development 1738w

    South West Regional Assembly 855w

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