Proposal for an Arms Trade Treaty
171. One proposal to strengthen the current arrangements
on conventional weapons is the campaign for an international Arms
Trade Treaty (ATT). This was launched by Amnesty International
and Oxfam in October 2003, partly as a response to the weakness
of current international controls. The NGOs propose to submit
the draft ATT at the next UN meeting on small arms proliferation
in 2006. The proliferation of conventional weapons, small arms
in particular, is a real and serious threat to human security
that needs to be addressed internationally. As the NGOs make clear
in their campaign, "the uncontrolled proliferation and misuse
of arms by government forces and armed groups takes a massive
human toll in lost lives, lost livelihoods, and lost opportunities
to escape poverty".[193]
172. The question is not whether this is a problem
which needs addressing: clearly it does. The question is rather
how to address it. It is not obvious that current mechanisms are
sufficiently effective in reducing this proliferation.
173. The NGOs claim that the proposed treaty is based
upon "existing responsibilities", and that it pulls
together international agreements, such as the Geneva Conventions
and the Ottawa Convention.[194]
But it also goes rather further. For example, it would require
states to incorporate into national law criteria against which
any proposed transfer of arms should be permitted and it would
require states to monitor closely what happens to arms once they
have left national borders.[195]
174. The NGOs suggest that "even though some
countries are opposed to an ATT, this should not prevent other
states from forging ahead". They cite the example of the
Ottawa Convention on anti-personnel landmines, which, although
it has not been signed by every country in the world, has created
"a new international norm" as a result of which "not
a single country has openly traded anti-personnel landmines, far
fewer governments are using anti-personnel landmines, and even
some nonsignatories are broadly abiding by its principles".[196]
Oxfam has underlined the "clear weakness in agreements that
are only politically-binding" and the "risk that pushing
for consensus will only bring a lowest common denominator result",
and has urged the Government "to be more vocal in its support
for a legally binding international Arms Trade Treaty, based on
existing principles of international humanitarian law".[197]
175. The campaign has drawn widescale support in
the humanitarian sector. However, support from states has been
less forthcoming. As of February 2004, Brazil, Cambodia, Costa
Rica, Finland, Macedonia, Mali and the Netherlands had expressed
support for the Treaty, in principle at least.[198]
The British Government has also made encouraging noises, and has
stated that it "supports the goal of an international instrument
on arms transfers" but argues that for it to be effective
such a treaty "would have to enjoy the support of all major
arms exporting countries".[199]
176. Our NGO witnesses told us that they were not
"naïve enough" to think that international agreement
on a treaty would "happen overnight", and were well
aware that it would take "a huge effort to engage states
like the United States, Russia and China".[200]
But even taking a pragmatic view, this proposed treaty seems to
have attracted the support of a very small minority of states,
none of which are major arms exporters (apart, perhaps, from Brazil).
Even if the text and precise content of such a document is always
likely to be subject to negotiation, we are surprised that the
idea of a proposed treaty has attracted so little support, even
from those countries where small arms proliferation is a major
problem. We conclude that the proposed International Arms Trade
Treaty has received disappointingly little international support.
177. In his evidence to us, the Foreign Secretary
welcomed the proposal for a treaty but expressed possible concern
about how effective such a measure would be and what support it
would attract on the international stage:
It goes without saying that if I felt an arms
control treaty would deal with many of the problems which you
have raised and we could get it through, I would be in favour
of it. After all, we have signed up to all sorts of instruments
in terms of arms control and there is no argument there, in principle,
between us, it is just whether this is going to work.[201]
178. The Foreign Secretary has told us that small
arms are at the root of the problems that the NGOs wish to address
and that while the United Kingdom has "a large defence industry",
"small arms plays a tiny part in that". He also claimed
that the United Kingdom is "well ahead of the proposals for
the arms trade treaty". Mr Edward Oakden, Director of International
Security in the FCO, took this argument further, stating that
there was "a general agreement that the real countries that
we need to be getting at are not the other countries of the European
Union, they are not a problem, it is the countries which are the
major exporters of small arms".[202]
179. This is a slightly tendentious argument. Even
if it is true that many small arms in the developing world are
domestically manufactured or sourced from countries with weaker
controls, Western countries remain among the world's most important
producers of small arms, and weapons produced in these countries
do end up in the hands of undesirable end users, both in the United
Kingdom and abroad.
180. Mr Oakden has also argued that countries such
as the United Kingdom need to be cautious about moving too far
ahead of the rest of the world, on the basis that "that actually
makes it harder, very often, to bring either some of the developing
countries on board because they feel that they are being made
to sign up to somebody else's agenda, or, indeed, some of the
big exporters of small arms". He told us that the Government
was therefore trying "to create a movement from this that
goes wider than the western consensus".[203]
181. We are particularly unimpressed by this argument,
which seems to us to be a poor excuse for excessive caution. The
United Kingdom would not have helped to achieve international
agreement against the use of anti-personnel landmines by waiting
for world opinion. We are simply not convinced that by showing
more active support for such a treaty, western countriesespecially
those with an important defence industry, such as the United Kingdomwould
be discouraging others from taking part.
182. We agree with our witness from Amnesty International
that the United Kingdom "has a duty to show robust international
leadership" in this area, as a Permanent Member of the UN
Security Council and a major exporter of military equipment.[204]
In 2005, the United Kingdom will take up the chairmanship of the
G8, and, in the second half of the year, the rotating presidency
of the EU. These will be opportunities for the Government to show
this leadership.
183. Small arms proliferation is a major and increasing
threat to human security in many parts of the world. Given the
limited progress that the proposal for an arms trade treaty has
made, and the clear need for an international solution to this
problem, we conclude that the Government must do everything it
can to promote workable and effective measures to prevent further
proliferation of small arms, including those exported from western
countries. We recommend that the Government should use its position
as a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, its forthcoming
chairmanship of the G8 and presidency of the European Union to
further international consensus in this area. If the proposed
treaty is not the right solution, another one needs to be found,
and found urgently.
Export control issues in other
international organisations
184. Other fora with wider agendas are also relevant
to export controls, in particular: the United Nations (small arms
and light weapons) and the G8 (weapons of mass destruction and
man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS)).
185. On 28 April 2004 the UN Security Council adopted
Resolution 1540 relating to the proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction. This Resolution includes for the first time an obligation
on states to "take and enforce effective measures to establish
domestic controls to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical,
or biological weapons and their means of delivery, including by
establishing appropriate controls over related materials".
States are asked to present a report within six months on steps
that they have taken or intend to take to implement the resolution.
186. This is the first time that a UN Security Council
Resolution has imposed on states an obligation to operate "effective
national export and trans-shipment controls" of any sort.
We conclude that UN Security Council Resolution 1540 is a welcome
first step towards truly international coordination of export
controls on nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their
means of their delivery. We recommend that the Government should
seek to encourage implementation of the Resolution in states where
such controls are weak, and that the Government should explain
in its response to this Report what assistance it is prepared
to offer to states lacking the legal and regulatory infrastructure,
implementation experience and/or resources to enable them to fulfil
the provisions of the Resolution.
187. The British Government has played a leading
role in seeking stronger international controls on small arms
transfers through the UN Programme of Action on small arms and
light weapons (UNPoA). We are pleased that the Government is optimistic
about the success of this initiative, and hope that differences
of opinion between states can be successfully resolved.
188. The G8 agreed at Evian in June 2003 to an Action
Plan to enhance transport security and control of MANPADS.[205]
In December 2003, the Wassenaar Arrangement agreed to Elements
for Export Controls of MANPADS.[206]
The essential impact of these documents on export controls is
that MANPADS will be permitted for export only to foreign governments
or their agents.
189. MANPADS are a dangerous weapon in the hands
of terrorists, and controlling their export is vitally important.
The wide availability of MANPADS is one of the factors currently
putting our Armed Forces at risk in Iraq. We conclude that
international agreement to control man-portable air defence systems
(MANPADS) is an important step in limiting the prospects of their
use by terrorists and insurgents. We comment further below
on the Government's position on controlling trade in MANPADS conducted
from outside the United Kingdom.[207]
New arrangements
190. Given the weakness of existing international
export control arrangements, it is perhaps unsurprising that the
US Government has seen the need to institute the Proliferation
Security Initiative (PSI), in an effort to limit proliferation
and to provide a military counterpoint to existing strategic export
controls. The aim of PSI is to interdict traffic in weapons of
mass destruction. The initiative emerged in December 2002 after
Spain and the United States found themselves unable to detain
a ship bearing Scud missiles in the Arabian Sea, when Yemen declared
that the missiles had been legally purchased from North Korea.
The US and ten other states, including the United Kingdom, have
agreed to share information on proliferation activities and to
carry out military interdiction exercises.
191. According to the Foreign Secretary, "we
need the Proliferation Security Initiative because although there
are many countries which observe the high standards to which every
other country in the world, bar a tiny handful, are committed,
there are other countries which sign up to international instruments
but do not enforce or, even if they wish to enforce, lack the
capacity to do so". Countries subscribing to the initiative
"seek to take action to enforce rules which the originating
countries should have enforced themselves", particularly
in respect of the transport of WMD.[208]
192. Nuclear weapon related material was intercepted
under the PSI on its way to Libya in September 2003, and this
may have contributed to that state's willingness to renounce
its weapons programmes. However, such initiatives need to be treated
with care: the legality of interdiction on the high seas is doubtful;
and if interceptions appear to be unilateral and political, rather
than meeting the needs of international security, this may undermine,
rather than support, multilateral efforts to counter proliferation.
193. We conclude that the Proliferation Security
Initiative is an essential tool, but that its use should be limited
to extreme and urgent circumstances. We recommend that care should
be taken that its use does not undermine efforts to promote an
effective multilateral approach to export controls. While it is
true that current international agreements in this area are inadequate,
we conclude that it is unlikely that a unilateral attempt to control
other countries' exports for them by force would be successful
in the long term in preserving international stability and preventing
the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
190 China has applied for membership of the NSG, and
has given positive indications about possible membership of the
MTCR. Back
Q 54 Back
Appendix 13, q 12 Back
Amnesty International and Oxfam International, Shattered Lives:
The case for tough international arms control, p 4 (henceforth
'Shattered Lives') Back
Shattered Lives, p 75 Back
Shattered Lives, p 75 Back
Shattered Lives, p 76 Back
Appendix 5, para 1 Back
Oxfam policy update, February 2004; Q 46; Q 79 Back
HC Deb 29 January 2004, c 513W Back
Q 79 (Mr Parker) Back
Q 46 Back
Q 46 Back
Q 46 Back
Q 79 (Mr Parker) Back
Enhance Transport Security and Control of Man-portable Air Defence
Systems- MANPADS - A G8 Action Plan. Available from the official
web site of the Evian Summit 2003, Back
Elements for Export Controls of Man-Portable Air Defence Systems
(MANPADS). Available from the Wassenaar Arrangement web site, Back
See paras 223-224. Back
Q 56 Back