Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Second Report

1 Introduction to our work


1. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is a sprawling body which is responsible for a vast range of Government policy. Our remit in overseeing Defra is correspondingly broad. In determining our work programme we have sought to find a balance between topicality, in depth analysis and following up Government actions in fields we have previously reported on. To achieve this we have used the main Committee for lengthy inquiries of key significance, Sub-committees for more sharply focussed reports, and the rapporteur approach for follow up work.

2. Our workload has been heavy. We have undertaken fifteen inquiries during 2003 which have led to published reports: in addition, we published two reports relating to evidence taken in 2002, and also our Annual Report 2002. We have completed two further inquiries which will lead to reports early in 2004. We also took 'one-off' evidence which did not lead to a report on eight occasions. The subjects we have covered are set out in the table below. In short, we have been extremely busy. We would like to take the opportunity in this report to thank all those who have otherwise helped us in our work during 2003, including our staff.

Membership and staffing changes

3. During the course of the year we have had significant changes in the membership and in the staff of the Committee. In November our Chairman, David Curry, resigned upon his appointment to the shadow Cabinet. He was replaced as Chairman by an existing member of the Committee, Michael Jack. Ian Liddell-Grainger replaced David Curry on the Committee. Phil Sawford and David Borrow have also left us, to be replaced by Alan Simpson and Joan Ruddock.

4. Amongst our staff we have lost a number of able people whom we thank for their work for the Committee. In particular, we would like to record a special thanks to Mark Oxborough, our Committee Assistant, who has left after a long period of service working for both us and our predecessor Committee. His assiduity will be sorely missed. We also welcome those staff who have joined us during the course of the year: Andy Boyd, Louise Combs, Jonathan Little and Fiona McLean.

Table 1: Subjects covered by EFRA Committee, 2003
SubjectEvidence sessions in 2003 Sub-committee?Outcome
Mid-Term Review of the

Common Agricultural Policy

-YesReport, January 2003
Water Framework Directive- NoReport, March 2003
Countryside and Rights of Way Act1 YesReport, April 2003
Rural Payments Agency1 YesReport, April 2003
Badgers and Bovine TB

Bovine TB: Follow-up





Report, April 2003

Evidence to be published

Future of Waste Management5 NoReport, May 2003
Delivery of Education in Rural Areas3 YesReport, June 2003
Horticulture Research International- RapporteurReport, July 2003
Rural Broadband4Yes Report, July 2003
Departmental Annual Report 20031 NoReport, July 2003
Poultry Farming in the UK3 YesReport, July 2003
Gangmasters3No Report, September 2003
New Covent Garden Market2 YesReport, October 2003
Vets and Veterinary Services3 YesReport, October, 2003
Biofuels4No Report, November 2003
Conduct of the GM Public Debate1 NoReport, November 2003
Water Pricing2No Report, December 2003
Marine Environment3No Report to be published
Cetacean By-catch 3Yes Report to be published
Environmental Directives4 YesReport to be published
Animal By-product Regulations1 NoEvidence, March 2003
Ofwat Annual Report1 NoEvidence, July 2003
Rural Delivery Review

Rural Delivery Review (No.2)





Evidence, August 2003

Evidence to be published

Reform of the CAP1No Evidence, October 2003
WTO Conference in Cancun1 NoEvidence, October 2003
US 'Ghost' Ships1No Evidence, December 03


5. A key part of the Committee's work is its ability to visit both at home and abroad to put into context issues raise by particular inquiries. During 2003 we undertook five visits within the United Kingdom, and two overseas. In addition we sent delegations to meetings of the Agriculture and Environment Committees of the parliaments of European Union Member States and of the accession states in Athens and in Rome.[1]

Table 2: Visits by the Committee in 2003
LocationPurpose of visit
Rainham and LewishamInquiry into Future of Waste Management
Peterborough and LoughboroughInquiry into Future of Waste Management
Copenhagen, DenmarkInquiry into Future of Waste Management
Athens, GreeceEU Parliamentary Agriculture Committees (delegation)
Athens, GreeceEU Parliamentary Environment Committees (delegation)
WellesbourneInquiry into Horticulture Research International (delegation)
CambridgeInquiry into Gangmasters (delegation)
Brasilia, Goias, Sao Paulo, BrazilInquiries into Biofuels and Poultry Farming
Rome, ItalyEU Parliamentary Agriculture Committees (delegation)
SouthamptonInquiry into Marine Environment

1   An agriculture and an environment meeting took place in Athens during the Greek presidency of the European Union in May 2003. During the Italian Presidency we were invited only to an agriculture meeting in October 2003.  Back

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