Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Seventh Special Report


Fisheries in which the use of acoustic deterrent devices is mandatory

AreaGear PeriodStarting date
A. Baltic Sea Area delimited by a line running from the Swedish coast at the point at longitude 13° E, thence due south to latitude 55° N, thence due east to longitude 14° E, thence due north to the coast of Sweden; and,
Area delimited by a line running from the eastern coast of Sweden at the point at latitude 55° 30' N, thence due east to longitude 15° E, thence due north to latitude 56° N, thence due east to longitude 16° E thence due north to the coast of Sweden
a) Any bottom-set gillnet or entangling net All year1 June 2005
  b) Any drift-netAll year 1 June 2005
B. ICES sub area IV and division III a a) Any bottom-set gillnet or entangling net, or combination of these nets, the total length of which does not exceed 400 metres 1 August - 31 October1 August 2005
  b) Any bottom-set gillnet or entangling net with mesh sizes > 220 mm b) All year1 June 2005
C. ICES divisions VII e, f, g, h, and j a) Any bottom-set gillnet or entangling net a) All year1 January 2006
D. ICES division VII da) Any bottom-set gillnet or entangling net a) All year1 January 2007
E. Baltic Sea subdivision 24 (except for the area covered under A) a) Any bottom-set gillnet or entangling net a) All year1 January 2007
  b) Any drift-net b) All year1 January 2007

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