Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Seventh Special Report


Technical specifications and conditions of use of acoustic deterrent devices

Any acoustic deterrent devices used in application of Article 2(1) shall meet one of the following sets of signal and implementation characteristics:

  Set 1Set 2
* Signal synthesisDigital Analogue
* Tonal/wide bandWide band / tonal Tonal
* Source levels (max - min) re 1 Pa@1m 145 dB130-150 dB
* Fundamental frequencya) 20 - 160 KHz wide band sweeps
b) 10 kHz tonal
10 kHz
* High-frequency harmonicsYes Yes
* Pulse duration (nominal)300 ms 300ms
* Interpulse intervala) 4 - 30 seconds randomised;
b) 4 seconds
4 seconds
* Maximum spacing between two acoustic deterrent devices along nets 200 m, with one acoustic device fixed at each end of the net (or combination of nets attached together) 100 m, with one acoustic device fixed at each end of the net (or combination of nets attached together)

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