Fisheries to be monitored and minimum level of fishing
subject to on-board observers
1. General monitoring obligations
Monitoring schemes shall be designed on an annual basis and established
to monitor cetacean by-catch, in a representative manner, in the
fisheries defined in the table in paragraph 3.
Monitoring schemes shall be made sufficiently representative by
adequately spreading observer coverage over the fleets, time and
fishing areas.
As a general rule, monitoring schemes shall be based on a sampling
strategy designed to allow the estimation of the by-catch rates
of cetaceans, for the most frequent species in the by-catch per
unit effort by a given fleet to achieve a coefficient of variation
not exceeding 0.30.The sampling strategy shall be designed on
the basis of existing information on the variability of previous
by-catch observations.
2. Pilot monitoring schemes
Where, due to absence of information on variability of by-catch,
the sampling strategies cannot be designed to achieve the coefficient
of variation within the limit set in paragraph 1, Member States
shall implement pilot on-board observer schemes for two consecutive
years, starting at the dates in paragraph 3 for the concerned
These pilot observer schemes shall be based on a sampling strategy
aimed at determining the variability of by-catch which will provide
the basis for the design of subsequent sampling strategies under
the conditions of the paragraph 1, and shall also provide estimates
of by-catch of cetaceans per unit effort, broken down by species.
The pilot schemes shall cover, at least, the following minimum
value of fishing effort:
a) For all fisheries defined in paragraph 3, with the
exception of pelagic trawls (single and pair) from 1 December
to 31 March in ICES sub areas VI, VII and VIII:
| Fleets of more than 400 vessels
| Fleets of more than 60 and less than 400 vessels
| Fleets of less than 60 vessels |
Minimum effort covered by the pilot schemes
| The fishing effort of 20 vessels |
5% of the fishing effort | 5%, covering at least 3 different vessels
b) For pelagic trawls (single and pair) from 1 December
to 31 March in ICES sub areas VI, VII and VIII:
| Fleets of more than 60 vessels
| Fleets of less than 60 vessels |
Minimum effort covered by the pilot schemes
| 10% of the fishing effort | 10%, covering at least 3 different vessels
3. Fisheries to be monitored and monitoring starting dates
Area | Gear |
Starting date |
A. ICES sub areas VI, VII and VIII. | Pelagic trawls (single and pair)
| 1 January 2005 |
B. Mediterranean Sea (of the east of line 5°36' west
| Pelagic trawls (single and pair) | 1 January 2005
C. ICES divisions VIa, VII a and b, VIIIa, b and c, and IXa
| Bottom-set gillnet or entangling nets using mesh sizes equal to or greater than 80 mm
| 1 January 2005 |
D. ICES sub area IV, division VIa, and sub area VII with the exception of divisions VIIc and VIIk
| Driftnets | 1 January 2006
E. ICES sub areas III a, b, c, III d south of 59N, III d north of 59N (only from 1 June to 30 September), IV and IX
| Pelagic trawls (single and pair) | 1 January 2006
F. ICES sub areas VI, VII and VIII and IX |
High-opening trawls | 1 January 2006
G. ICES sub area III b, c, d | Bottom-set gillnet or entangling nets using mesh sizes equal to or greater than 80 mm
| 1 January 2006 |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
April 2004