Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 21 January 2004.
Terms of Reference
1 Introduction
Recent initiatives
Our inquiry
2 Extent of the cetacean by-catch problem
Population estimates
Harbour porpoise
Bottlenose dolphin
Common dolphin
By-catch estimates
Other species of dolphin
3 Fisheries implicated in cetacean by-catch
By-catch of harbour porpoise
By-catch of bottlenose dolphin
By-catch of common dolphin
Pelagic trawl fishery for sea bass
4 UK's legal position
Legal obligations to protect small cetaceans
EC Habitats Directive
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Extent of UK's jurisdiction
Imposing emergency measures under the Common Fisheries Policy
5 Assessing the Government's proposals
Strategy documenta welcome step forward
Timing of implementation
6 Compulsory use of pingers on certain set net fisheries
Recommendations contained in Defra's strategy document
Summary of proposals
Proposals contained in European Commission's draft regulation
Pinger use in the English Channel
Pinger use in the Celtic Sea
Practical implications of requiring mandatory use of pingers
Enforcement difficulties
Costs to fishermen
Voluntary observer scheme
Risk of habitat exclusion
Imposing other restrictions on bottom-set gill net fisheries
7 Taking action in respect of pelagic fisheries
Cetacean by-catch in the pelagic fishery for sea bass
Trials of separator grids
Addressing cetacean by-catch in the sea bass fishery at the European level
Cetacean by-catch in other pelagic fisheries
Evidence of by-catch in these fisheries
Need for monitoring in other pelagic fisheries
8 Considering restrictions on fishing effort
Mortality limit schemes
Evidence received
Our assessment
Designating Special Areas of Conservation under the Habitats Directive
Progress on designating SACs
Restricting fishery activities in SACs
9 Need for further research and data collection
Further research into small cetacean populations
Expanding by-catch monitoring schemes
Conclusions and recommendations
Compulsory use of pingers on certain set net fisheries
Taking action in respect of pelagic fisheries
Considering restrictions on fishing effort
Need for further research and data collection
Formal minutes
Monday 3 November 2003
Monday 10 November 2003
Wednesday 3 December 2003
List of written evidence
Written Evidence
List of unprinted written evidence
Reports from the Committee since 2001