Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Eighth Report


140. Last year, the Committee commented only briefly on the work of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's two principal associated bodies: the BBC World Service and the British Council. In our Report last year we noted that:

    The Committee regrets that, owing to the pressure of other work this year, we have been unable to take oral evidence from representatives of either the BBC World Service or the British Council, as we have done previously. We expect to be able to revive this practice next year.[201]

We were very pleased this year, therefore, to be able to take oral evidence from the heads of both organisations once again, and comment in detail on their work.

Work in 2003-04

141. In addition to the information given about the BBC World Service (BBC WS) in the FCO's Departmental Report,[202] the Service also provided a comprehensive memorandum for our inquiry.[203] This highlighted a number of the Service's achievements over the last year, including:

  • maintaining audience and listening figures in the face of stiff competition;
  • considerably increased online usage;
  • a series of very well-received and successful 'landmark' series on issues such as HIV/AIDS, development, etc.;
  • broadcasting continuous news and current affairs programmes during the conflict in Iraq; and
  • maintaining high standards of efficient management, ensuring the maximum allocation of resources to programme making.

142. The memorandum also stated emphatically that: "Independent research indicates that the BBC World Service is regarded as the most trusted and objective broadcaster among its international radio competitors in almost all markets."[204] This memorandum has subsequently been supplemented by the World Service's own annual review, published in July this year, which we found most informative.[205]

Listening figures and audibility

143. In its evidence to us, the World Service noted that generally it had managed to maintain audience figures in the face of stiff competition, from both domestic and international broadcasters across the globe. There had been a slight dip in listener figures in the period 2003-04 from 150 to 146 million, although the BBC WS noted that this fall had been more than compensated for by the increase in online usage.[206] As the graph below shows (figure 13), audience numbers rose in Africa and the Middle East, and generally fell slightly elsewhere. (The figures for 2003-04 are targets.)

Figure 13: BBC WS audience figures (by region)

Source: FCO[207]

144. Relevant to the size of audiences is the issue of audibility—how many people are actually able to hear World Service programmes. Figure 14 below shows that in most regions audibility is increasing (the figures for 2003-04 are targets). In recent years, there has been a marked move away from Short Wave (SW) listening to Frequency Modulation (FM). This has presented challenges to the BBC WS, and other broadcasters, as large numbers of people can be reached on a single SW frequency broadcast from far away. FM, on the other hand, requires numerous frequencies and local transmitters. Such transmitters can be difficult to find, and FM frequencies are often expensive, if not impossible, to buy—some countries will not allow foreign broadcasters to buy them.

Figure 14: BBC WS Audibility figures (by region)

Source: FCO[208]

145. Mr Nigel Chapman, then Acting Director of the BBC World Service (now Director), commented on this problem when he gave oral evidence to the Committee:

    We have managed to make up most of the gap created by a reduction in short-wave listening by investment in new forms of delivery, FM being the most obvious. However, you really have to gallop at an enormous speed in order to close the gap completely and therefore one of the priorities over the next one, two, three years, will be to accelerate as far as humanly possible the investment in new forms of delivery, including FM, satellite where relevant, cable, the internet, in order to try to close that gap as much as possible.[209]

Despite the enormous challenges it faces, the BBC WS now broadcasts in 139 capital cities on FM. Those capitals not yet covered are primarily the 'tough nuts to crack', in areas such as the Middle East and North Africa.

146. We conclude that the BBC World Service is doing very well to maintain its current audience and audibility figures in the face of stiff competition from other international broadcasters and the difficult domestic situations it encounters around the globe.

Spending Review

147. As discussed above (paragraph 13), the details of the Spending Review 2004 were announced earlier this year. These will affect the BBC World Service's financial planning, as it will all other Government bodies.

148. The last two Spending Reviews (SR 2000 and 2002) had been seen as successes for the Service. It secured an uplift of £48 million in its total grant-in-aid in SR2002, bringing it up to £220 million by 2003-04. In the latest review, the World Service bid for extra funds in two very specific areas:

To achieve this, Mr Chapman believed that the Service needed an increase in its budget of 1.7% over inflation, i.e. £31 million more by 2007-08 compared to the current £239 million.[211]

149. In fact, the Service did not receive the amount it had been hoping for from the Review; the Chancellor only gave the Service an increase of 1.5% over inflation. Following the announcement of the Review, the BBC WS told us that:

    This means that we will have to review our plans, whilst still aiming to make significant headway in our key initiatives of building impact in the Islamic world (through strengthening the core radio and online services in Arabic) and moving closer to audiences (through expanded FM delivery and interactivity). We will be able to deliver our major objectives, but will need to investigate ways of achieving our lower-priority activities.[212]

150. We conclude that the Spending Review 2004 was a disappointing result for the BBC World Service. At a time when competition from other international broadcasters is increasing and the need for its services has never been greater, it is very unfortunate that the Service should be placed in a position where it may be unable to undertake the improvements and modernisation it requires to retain its leading position.

Efficiency savings

151. Like the FCO, the BBC World Service will be expected to achieve efficiency savings of 2.5% per annum over the next three years, as part of the Spending Review 2004. In its memorandum to us, the BBC WS stated that it was undaunted by the challenge these targets presented:

He also told us that the vast majority of the Service's Grant-in-Aid was already going to 'front-line operations', with 90% being spent directly on programmes—the highest level anywhere in the BBC.[213] The BBC WS went further, in fact, than most other Government bodies and, as part of its SR2004 settlement, agreed that all rising costs—inflation, pension contributions, wage increases, etc.—would be funded through efficiency savings. Any new money voted by Parliament would be spent directly on 'front-line activities'.[214]

152. In his oral evidence to us, Mr Chapman, while stating that he was "confident" the Service could meet the targets, sounded a note of caution about future savings:

    we would have to look very hard at the next spending review period. There are certain benefits in relation to efficiency which are around now and in the next two or three years in relation to short-wave, means of distribution, digitisation, perhaps a little bit around the area of mass buying of services as part of the wider BBC ... you then start to run out of means of making efficiencies and you then have to start cutting services, cutting hours of transmission and all of that and that is something which would be a very serious matter if we had to do it.[215]

As noted above (para 26), we agree with the sentiments underlying this concern: that efficiency savings of 2.5% a year cannot be made ad infinitum.

153. We commend the BBC World Service for the impressive efficiency savings it has already achieved, and for its commitment to ensuring that the extra money it receives as a result of the Spending Review 2004 goes directly on front-line services. We recommend, though, that in future it present a realistic picture to the Foreign Office and HM Treasury on how much it can genuinely achieve by efficiency savings, rather than simply allowing its programme budgets to be cut.

Work in the Middle East


154. In its memorandum to the Committee, the BBC WS stressed the importance of the work it was doing in the Middle East and the wider Muslim world, reflecting the priorities of the FCO.[216] It extended its Arabic Service to a 24-hour operation during the Iraq conflict and launched new programmes specifically for this audience. It has also extended its reach to a number of new areas, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Committee was pleased to see the Arabic Service in operation during our recent visit to Bush House.

155. As noted above, one of the two key areas in which the Service sought extra funds as part of the latest Spending Review was its work in the Islamic world. It aimed to revitalise its programming in the Middle East and Gulf, with more live reporting and extended debate and discussion programmes, and move "closer" to its audiences there.[217] Vitally for this it wanted to increase the number of regional production centres it has both in that region and in other important Islamic centres, such as Islamabad and Jakarta.

156. Mr Chapman made clear the importance of this renewal of the BBC Arabic Service in his oral evidence to us:

    the changing nature of the media landscape in North Africa, Middle East and Gulf, means that unless the BBC Arabic service radio can bring a greater vividness, a greater sense of place, greater sense of energy to its programmes it will start to become less relevant and important for our listeners[218]

He went on to stress the Service's importance at this time in the Middle East particularly:

    the value of the BBC World Service as a whole, is that it provides people with an independent source of information which they can trust, which raises the level of debate and discussion and brings about common understanding. [219]

This was, he argued, vital in an increasingly polarised world. We agree. It is not clear, at this time (September 2004), how the Spending Review settlement will affect the Service's plans in this field, which clearly need to be closely co-ordinated with other public diplomacy initiatives.

157. We conclude that the BBC World Service's work in the Middle East and wider Islamic world is more crucial now than ever, in light of the current international situation. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the Service set out how its plans for improving its radio service in this area have been affected by the Spending Review settlement.


158. During our inquiry, we were also informed that the Service would be bidding for funds from HM Treasury to launch a new regionally-based satellite TV service, in Arabic: BBC Arabiya. The suggestion for this initiative came from the Foreign Office, who specifically asked the Service to work out the costings and practicalities of such a new channel. The Service envisaged that the new channel would primarily be a news service, but also show discussion programmes, documentaries, etc.[220] It would complement, rather than compete with, the existing privately-financed BBC World Television broadcasts to the region in English.

159. It was made clear to us by the Service that they wished this to be seen as a discrete proposal in terms of the Spending Review 2004, i.e. if the Government wanted the channel, it would have to be funded entirely by new money. Mr Chapman explained the genesis and rationale of the proposal in his oral evidence to us.[221] He spoke of the need to respond to al-Jazeera, al-Arabia and other regional satellite channels in Arabic. There was also the US-funded al-Hurra station and a proposed one from the French: "Everybody is waking up to the fact that television is increasingly important in the Arabic-speaking world."[222] At present, BBC World Television broadcasts were having little impact on a region where so little English was understood (in Egypt, he estimated, only about 8% of people speak English).

160. In the end, however, HM Treasury (HMT) chose not to fund the proposed channel. In its supplementary memorandum to us, the Service noted, however, that it remained: "a strategic ambition for us, and we will continue discussions with FCO and HMT on ways of developing the proposals."[223]

161. We conclude that the failure to launch a BBC World Service television channel in Arabic represents a missed opportunity to further the United Kingdom's wider diplomatic ambitions and interests in the Middle East and wider Islamic world. It is almost certain that other international broadcasters will take advantage of British inaction, to the detriment of the BBC World Service and the United Kingdom. We recommend that the Foreign Office explore with HM Treasury whether this decision can be reversed.

Online services

162. The BBC WS now has approximately 5 million users of its online services per week, and over 16 million per month.[224] By March 2003, users were viewing around 279 million pages each month. This represents one of the most rapidly expanding areas of the Service's output, and was a key part of the BBC WS's bid for extra funds in the recent Spending Review: "moving closer to our audiences to connect and empower them."[225] In addition to the normal news and information services, the BBC WS's website provides an opportunity for viewers to interact with programmes and share views.

163. During our recent informal visit to Bush House earlier this year, we were given a presentation on the BBC's online services. One of the innovative features of the website was that increasingly the Service was relying on viewers to act as news-gatherers: sending in photos, stories and personal experiences (for example, of the Bam earthquake in Iran). While we were very impressed by what we saw, we registered our concern about the danger that such interaction could allow the Service to be manipulated by those who wished to promote a particular message. Mr Chapman recognised our concern in his oral evidence:

    You need editorial supervision here. One of the reasons why you have to invest money in online, is in order to strengthen that editorial supervision. You do get a lot of potential contributions from people. ... You need people of good journalistic and editorial judgment to differentiate the mischief-makers from the genuine. ... if in doubt, do not publish.[226]

He insisted that such contributions would always complement BBC journalism, not replace it.

164. We conclude that the marked growth in the use of the BBC World Service's online service is a tribute to its quality, vision and relevance. We commend those who are working to strengthen and improve it. We recommend, however, that the highest editorial standards be applied when using contributions from listeners, especially in relation to highly sensitive international topics, to prevent the Service's abuse by those who would wish to misuse it for their own ends.

BBC Monitoring

165. BBC Monitoring, based at Caversham Park near Reading, is part of the BBC World Service, which monitors the world's media on a daily basis. Altogether, this involves monitoring more than 3,000 radio, TV, internet and news agency sources in up to 100 languages. It then produces a, "comprehensive, round-the-clock digest of what is being said," for organisations such as Government departments, businesses, universities and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). [227]In its annual review, the BBC World Service highlighted the important work done by BBC monitoring—for example, it had 'broken' the news of Saddam Hussein's capture to the international media—and the high level of customer satisfaction with its services.[228] The Government's Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) also praised the body's work and stressed the importance of its monitoring of 'open sources' for the intelligence services.[229]

166. Given this approval of the body's work we were surprised to read in the FCO Departmental Report 2003-04 that:

    We spend about £7 million on this service [BBC Monitoring] every year, and are reviewing its benefits against what we could achieve in other priority areas for the same amount of money.[230]

This was followed up in June of this year by a letter from Sir Michael Jay, who explained that the Foreign Office currently contributed £7 million p.a. to BBC Monitoring's funding, which represented 33% of its overall stakeholder funding:

    in the light of the current pressures on resources and the Gershon Efficiency Review, the FCO is reviewing its funding for BBC Monitoring. We have agreed with other stakeholders (MOD [Ministry of Defence], Cabinet Office and the BBC World Service) that we will reduce our funding for 2005/06 by £2 million. BBC Monitoring's overall funding will remain at its current level for 2005/06 as the difference will be made up by other stakeholders and from the BBC Monitoring Reserve.[231]

He went on to note that the Cabinet Office had commissioned a strategic review of BBC Monitoring which would examine a new funding regime for future years, and would report by the end of 2004. We shall examine the outcome closely. Clearly strategic co-ordination is necessary to prevent individual departments seeking to benefit at the expense of others.

167. We conclude that it is utterly perverse that the future of BBC Monitoring should be placed in doubt at the very time when its services are arguably most important to the country's security and diplomatic needs, and when it is being almost universally praised by its users. We recommend that BBC Monitoring be given financial security by the FCO and its other stakeholders to ensure its future.

Striking the balance

168. During this inquiry, two allegations of bias in BBC World Service broadcasts were brought to our attention. The first involved the Hausa Service of the BBC WS, which is broadcast in west Africa. There are approximately 24.2 million speakers of Hausa in Africa, predominantly in Nigeria.[232] Christian Solidarity Worldwide, alleged in a report that the service was consistently anti-Christian and pro-Muslim in its reporting of events in that country, where there have been very serious inter-religious clashes between followers of the two faiths.[233]

169. We raised this issue with Mr Chapman when he gave oral evidence to us. He had not had time to examine the allegations in detail at that time, but stated that the normal procedure in such cases was that:

    I would ask the complainant for specific examples of their concerns ... then I would talk to the head of the Hausa service about it and indeed I would ask for a translation to be made into English of relevant programmes in that regard.[234]

He did note, though, the specific pressures faced by the service in question:

    the Hausa service has a huge responsibility: it has one of the largest audiences in the World Service; it is operating in extremely difficult terrain and circumstances; the staff there are extremely aware that a word out of place, an ill-judged phrase, a misunderstanding of a story, can lead to very serious consequences.[235]

170. As promised, Mr Chapman reported back to us in detail after the oral evidence session on the allegations and his memorandum is printed in full at the end of this Report.[236] He told us that he had had the relevant broadcasts translated by an independent linguist and inquired into the editorial decisions made. In his memorandum, he responded to the allegations one by one and in each case was able to show that the service had acted properly throughout.

171. The other allegations of bias focused on the reporting of the long-running Israel-Palestine conflict. The World Service had itself broadcast a programme in which it was reported that Israel and British Jews had accused the BBC WS of having a constant bias against Israel, in favour of the Palestinian cause, in its reporting of events from the Middle East.[237] Mr Chapman said that:

    I would reassure you that at the regular editorial meetings which I chair, this is one of the issues we discuss regularly, pretty well all the time. Have we covered the story accurately, objectively and fairly? One of the ways we test that is by asking whether they have managed to elicit comment from all the relevant parties. If, over time, it is becoming clear that an imbalance is going on, then you have to strive all the harder to make up that imbalance and make sure you get the right range of views. In the case of the Arabic service, I know the Arabic service has many contributions from spokesmen for the Israeli Government. Just because it is broadcasting in Arabic and largely heard in North Africa and the Middle East but not so much in Israel, does not mean that it is not going about its job just as objectively as the English services do.[238]

Again, though, he promised to investigate further.

172. Subsequently, Mr Chapman wrote to us and explained that the programme in which the allegation had been made was itself responding to a recent report from Glasgow University which had concluded that the BBC was consistently pro-Israeli in its reporting. Mr Chapman noted that:

    the BBC often gets complaints from Israeli officials about items about the Middle East and that those are often followed up by co-ordinated e-mail campaigns. While it is true that the BBC gets complaints from both the pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian sides about our reporting of the Middle East, it is certainly true that in recent years the majority of the pressure has come from the pro-Israeli side and that the e-mail campaigns come almost exclusively from the pro-Israeli side.

    The BBC has no problem at all with receiving views or complaints from anyone on any issue. People should contact us and we should listen, and, of course, explore their concerns fully, and let them know the outcome of their complaints.[239]

He concluded that:

    In the World Service, I, and the team, are committed to impartial and accurate journalism. Recent independent studies by the Royal Institute of International Affairs and other pieces of audience research have provided strong evidence that we are meeting this commitment. But we have to be vigilant every day about this challenge.[240]

We welcome this commitment.

173. We conclude that the BBC World Service, its editors and staff, have an unenviable task of producing considered and unprejudiced reports in a variety of very difficult circumstances across the world. In an increasingly polarised world, access to unbiased news is more vital than ever before and we commend the World Service for its wholehearted commitment to impartial and honest reporting.

201   Foreign Affairs Committee, Twelfth Report of Session 2002-03, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2003, HC 859, para 32 Back

202   Departmental Report 2003-04, pp 29-32 Back

203   Ev 106 Back

204   Ibid. Back

205   BBC World Service, Annual Review 2003/04, July 2004 Back

206   Ev 106 Back

207   FCO Departmental Report 2004, p 31 Back

208   FCO Departmental Report 2004, p 31 Back

209   Q 58 Back

210   Ev 106 Back

211   Q 18 Back

212   Ev 115 Back

213   Ev 110 Back

214   Ibid. Back

215   Q 25 Back

216   Ev 109 Back

217   Ibid. Back

218   Q 27 Back

219   Q 32 Back

220   Ev 109 Back

221   QQ 53-54 Back

222   Q 53 [Chapman] Back

223   Ev 115 Back

224   Ev 106 Back

225   Ibid. Back

226   Q 55 Back

227   BBC World Service, Annual Review 2003/04, July 2004, p 23 Back

228   Ibid. Back

229   Cabinet Office, Intelligence and Security Committee: Annual Report 2003-2004, Cm 6240, June 2004, pp 18-19 Back

230   Departmental Report 2003-04, p 32 Back

231   Ev 112 Back

232   Hausa is spoken as a first language in large areas of Sokoto, Kaduna, Katsina, Kano, Bauchi, Jigawa, Zamfara, Kebbi, and Gombe states in Nigeria. It is also spoken in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Eritrea, Ghana, Niger, Sudan and Togo-Ethnologue website ( Back

233   Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Recent Religious Violence in Central and Northern Nigeria, June 2004 ( Back

234   Q 45 Back

235   Q 50 Back

236   Ev 113 Back

237   Q 51  Back

238   Q 51 Back

239   Ev 112 Back

240   Ibid. Back

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Prepared 23 September 2004