Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Eighth Report


212. In our Report, we have tackled a wide range of very important issues. We have examined the impact of the latest Spending Review for the Foreign Office and its personnel. We have reported on the FCO's new UK International Priorities strategy paper, and the likely consequences for the Office's work at home and abroad. We have considered the changes that the horrific attack on the Istanbul Consulate-General will bring to the way the FCO and its agencies operate. The visa entry clearance regime and the work of the BBC World Service and British Council have also been scrutinised in some detail.

213. As we said right at the beginning of this Report, we believe strongly that our scrutiny, on behalf of Parliament and the wider electorate, contributes greatly both to the work and the democratic accountability of the Foreign Office. We believe that this is a positive process, helping to open up the often shadowy world of Whitehall and explain its workings to the lay person, and highlighting to the FCO areas of public concern and interest. We are proud to continue the tradition of scrutiny that was initiated by our predecessors, and look forward to the Committee engaging in a continuing dialogue with the Office in the future.

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Prepared 23 September 2004