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Session 2003-04
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Foreign Affairs Committee Publications

Foreign Affairs - Minutes of Evidence[Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 15 January 2004.

Tuesday 2 December 2003

Members present

Donald Anderson, in the Chair

Mr David ChidgeyMr Bill Olner
Mr Fabian HamiltonRichard Ottaway
Mr Eric IllsleySir John Stanley
Mr John Maples


Memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Examination of Witnesses

Rt Hon Jack Straw, a Member of the House, Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Mr John Sawers CMG, Director-General, Political; and Mr Edward Oakden CMG, Director, International Security, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, examined.

Question Number





Memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Further memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Further memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Supplementary memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Further supplementary memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Further memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Further memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Further supplementary memorandum from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

FCO Travel Advice/Security of Overseas Posts

Memorandum from Mr David A Williams

Memorandum from The Free Iraqi Council

Memorandum from Dr David Morrison

Memorandum on the Foreign Affairs Select Committee Report on the Decision to go to War in Iraq

Memorandum from Mary Kaldor and Yahia Said, Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London School of Economics

Memorandum from Palestinian Media Watch

Memorandum on Iran/UK relations submitted by Dr A M Ansari, University of Durham (Dated 8 December 2003)

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Prepared 2 February 2004