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House of Commons
Session 2003-04
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Health Committee Publications

Health - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 12 October 2004.

Taken before the Health Committee


Members present:

Mr David Hinchliffe, in the Chair

Mr David AmessDr Richard Taylor
John AustinDr Doug Naysmith
Jim Dowd


Memorandum by Allergy UK (AL 77)

Memorandum by the Anaphylaxis Campaign (AL 31)

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Ms Muriel Simmons, Chief Executive, Allergy UK, Mr David Reading, Campaign Director, the Anaphylaxis Campaign and Dr Shuaib Nasser, Consultant Allergist, Addenbrooke's Hospital, were examined.

Question Number

1 - 19

20 - 39

40 - 59

60 - 64

Supplementary evidence by the Anaphylaxis campaign (AL 31A)

Memorandum by Dr Shuaib Nasser (AL 72)


Memorandum by Professor Stephen Holgate and Dr Pamela Ewan (AL 19)


Annex A

Annex A

Annex B

Memorandum by British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (AL 24)

Memorandum by Professor John Warner (AL 3)

Memorandum by Dr Lawrence Youlten (AL 74)

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Professor Stephen Holgate, Chairman, Royal College of Physicians Committee and National Allergy Strategy Group, Professor Andrew Wardlaw, President, British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Professor John Warner, Paediatric Allergist, University of Southampton and Dr Lawrence Youlten, London Allergy Clinic, were examined.

Question Number

65 - 79

80 - 99

100 - 119

120 - 127

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Prepared 2 November 2004