Select Committee on International Development Second Report

Annex: The "100 Days Plan" of the Palestinian Authority

Released on June 23, 2002, the PA's Reform Agenda expressed the commitment of the Palestinian Authority to a broad program of reforms. Because a number of specific measures were identified to be implemented within 100 days (while implementation of all other measures would be initiated so as to have a "tangible and visible" effect within three months of the plan's adoption), the entire agenda has come to be known as the "100 Days Plan." The agenda items are summarized below:

In the general domain:

Reinforce separation of powers of the legislative, executive and judiciary branches of government

  • Restructure and modernize ministries and government institutions
  • Prepare for municipal, legislative and presidential elections
  • Put into force all laws that have been passed
  • Improve the standard of living, particularly of the unemployed and other segments of society that live in dire conditions
  • Rebuild the infrastructure that has been destroyed by the occupation
  • Tend to the needs of the wounded, families of those killed during the occupation, prisoners and detainees

In the domain of public security:

  • Restructure and modernize the Ministry of Interior
  • The Ministry of Interior is to be in charge of all matters relating to internal security
  • Activate the role of the Ministry of Interior in the enforcement of court rulings
  • Respond to the expectations of the people for safety, order and respect of law
  • Improve discipline in the security services and strengthen social control
  • Reinforce the loyalty of the security services to the job, the Authority and the country
  • Raise awareness of the population of the measures above and secure their understanding, cooperation and support

In the financial domain:

  • Reform operations in the Ministry of Finance
  • Deposit all incomes of the PA in a single account of the treasury
  • Manage all commercial and investment operations through a Palestinian Investment Fund, which is subject to stringent standards of disclosure and audit
  • Limit expansion of employment in the public sector and unify payroll administration under the Ministry of Finance
  • Modernize the pension scheme
  • Strengthen internal and external auditing
  • Develop the process of preparing the general budget to include recurrent and developmental expenditure
  • Develop a monthly expenditure plan for the remainder of 2002
  • Begin preparation of the 2003 budget
  • Reorganize the financial relations between MOF and the municipalities/local authorities

In the judicial domain:

  • Strengthen the judiciary, through appointment of judges and development of infrastructure
  • Implement measures required by the Judiciary Law
  • Prepare draft laws, decrees and decisions to accompany the Basic Law
  • Establish the Government Legal Cases Administration to handle cases to which the government is party

In other domains:

  • Reinforce the Palestinian values, including the spirit of democracy, enlightenment and openness
  • Activate the role of the Ministry of Awqaf to serve national and religious objectives
  • Resolve the financial crisis of the universities, schools and hospitals
  • Review government institutions that operate outside the jurisdiction of the ministries with a view to attach or incorporate them with the ministries
  • End the role of the security services in civilian affairs
  • Improve employment policy, to prevent an inflated civil service
  • Unify and develop institutions -- and promulgate laws -- that encourage investment
  • Improve the training and conditions of employment of human resources
  • Increase the effectiveness of the Palestinian diplomatic corps
  • Rebuild the management boards of government institutions according to the law
  • Pay special attention to the pollution of the environment

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Prepared 5 February 2004