List of unprinted written evidence
Additional papers have been received from the following and have been reported to the House but to save printing costs they have not been printed. Copies have been placed in the House of Commons Library where they may be inspected by Members. Other copies are in the Record Office, House of Lords and are available to the public for inspection. Requests for inspection should be addressed to the Record Office, House of Lords, London SW1. (Tel 020 7219 3074) hours of inspection are from 9:30am to 5:00pm on Mondays to Fridays.
Memorandum and appendices submitted by Stewart Cass
Memorandum and appendices submitted by Love Never Fails Network, Christian Friends of Israel
Memorandum submitted by International Service and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (the Executive Summary of this has been printed)
Memorandum submitted by INTERPAL
Memorandum submitted by Graham Leonard
Memorandum submitted by Michelle Moshelian
Memorandum and background papers submitted by Professor Nitza Nachmias
Memorandum submitted by Stuart Palmer
Memoranda submitted by Palestinian Media Watch
Annexes and Appendices, submitted in support of written evidence:
Annexes submitted by Addameer Prisoners’ Support and Human Rights Association
Annexes submitted by Gerald Adler
Annexes submitted by Al Haq
Appendices submitted by British-Israel Group
Attachments submitted by Conservative Friends of Israel
Appendix submitted by Healthlink Worldwide
Annexes submitted by International Service and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
Papers and Appendices submitted by International Women’s Peace Service-Palestine Appendices submitted by the Israeli Citizens Action Network
Appendices submitted by Terence Mendoza
Appendices submitted by Maurice Ostroff
Tables submitted by Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction in Palestine (PECDAR)
Attachments submitted by Take-a-Pen for Israel
Appendices submitted by Joy Wolfe
Other papers:
Ms Catherine Bertini, Personal Humanitarian Envoy to the Middle East for the UN Secretary-General: Mission Report, August 2002, and Humanitarian
Monitoring Report, July 2003
Rex Brynen, McGill University, Aid Management and Co-ordination During the Intifada: peer review and commentary, July 2003
Dr Rachel Ehrenfeld, The Palestinian Authority: Where does the Money Go?, (a B’nai B’rith publication), and Reforms in the Palestinian Authority: A
Reality Check, A White Paper , (a Foundation for the Defense of Democracies publication)
European Union, papers submitted regarding funding to the Palestinian Authority
Paper submitted by Rufus Greenbaum
Jeff Halper, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Obstacles to Peace
Reports of the Mission to the Humanitarian and Emergency Policy Group (HEPG) and the Local Aid Co-ordination Committee (LACC), The Impact of
Israel’s Separation Barrier on Affected West Bank Communities- April, July and September 2003
Papers submitted by John Lewis
Stephen Lister and Anne Le More, Aid Management and Co-ordination During the Intifada, Report to the LACC Co-Chairs, July 2003
The Mattin Group, The Irregular Application of the EC-Israel Association Agreement: The Heart of the Problem, its Consequences and Risks, and a
Good Solution, and Resource Chronology on Israeli Settlement Products and Rules of Origin
Negotiation Support Unit, PLO Negotiation Affairs Department, The need for economic facilitation by Israel, October 2003
Palestinian National Authority, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, The Effect of the Israeli Occupation on Education from 28/9/2000 - 28/9/2003 and The Economy of Occupied Palestinian Territory, October 2003
Palestinian National Authority, Executive summary of the Palestinian Socio-Economic Stabilization Plan for 2004-3005
Papers submitted by Dr Shimon T Samuels, Simon Wiesenthal Center
Papers submitted by Peter Simpson
World Food Programme in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Locally Purchased Olive Oil from Poor Farmers in the West Bank, Final Project Report, July 2003, and EMOP 10190.1, ‘Food assistance to victims of conflict in the Palestinian Territories’