Select Committee on International Development Written Evidence

Memorandum submitted by Mr Jean-Luc Siblot, World Food Programme Country Director for the OPT


  In Jenin like in all the other governorates of the Gaza Strip and West Bank, WFP is supplying food aid to the most vulnerable strata of the non-refugee population when UNRWA is addressing the needs of the refugees. Over the last 12 months, WFP has made continuous efforts to avoid duplication of tasks, particularly in the Gaza strip where the percentage of refugees is around 75. In a nutshell, in addition to food supplies to supplementary feeding centres in Gaza and Hebron (WB) and some institutional centres, WFP beneficiaries can be divided into two main categories:

    —  The Social Hardship cases registered by the Ministry of Social Affairs receiving a full ration of basic commodities (121,000 people).

    —  The "New Poor", mainly Palestinian who have lost their jobs and are enrolled in food for work or food for training activities. They are receiving a two third of a full ration distributed by several NGO partners, both national and international. The target figure after the possible take over of ICRC caseload and consistent targeting would be around 350,000 people by the end of January: We plan to support a total of some 350 000 "new poor" in both the WB & Gaza strip starting end of January 2004 in addition to some 120,000 people registered as social Cases, 20, 000 people in institutions, 6,000 children receiving supplementary rations as well as support to their families , around 30,000 or a total close to 530,000 beneficiaries as indicated in our Emop Document 10190.1. (Copy placed in the Library)


  At the end of 2002, WFP has initiated, with the financial support of the EC and in close coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture, a programme of purchase of 272 mt of olive oil produced in the northern part of the West Bank. The new concept in this project was the direct purchase of small quantities of olive oil among a selection of some 1,600 poor farmers who have received, each of them, a cheque of US$ 800. Moreover, WFP for the first time has been successful to transport and distribute part of this consignment to beneficiaries in the Gaza strip. Note that we are starting a new phase with the purchase of 450 mt.

  For further detail please see the report: "Locally purchased olive oil from poor farmers in the West Bank" Final Project Report, July 2003 (WFO, OPT). (Copy placed in the Library)

  Finally, I would like to mention that WFP is currently implementing an emergency operation (Emop 10190.1) till mid July 2004 with a total requirement of US$ 31 million. As of today we are short of US $10 million which would be absolutely necessary to pursue a continuity in our programmes and strategy.

November 2003

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