Select Committee on Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions Third Report


The Committee broadly welcomes the proposals outlined in the Government's White Paper 'Our Fire and Rescue Service'. Some issues require further thought and consideration, and we make specific recommendations on these in our report, including:

  • The introduction of sprinklers and smoke alarms
  • The need for performance measures related to non-fire incidents where the Fire Service plays a rescue role
  • The Firefighters' pension scheme
  • Employment of women and ethnic minority staff
  • The pay and shortfall in numbers of retained firefighters

At the centre of the White Paper is the introduction of a locally responsive, risk-based approach to fire cover. The current national fire standards were established in the 1930s. They strictly prescribe staffing levels, the location of firefighters, stations and appliances; they set out exactly how many appliances should attend a fire, and within what timeframe; and fire cover is determined according to how built up an area is. The Government proposals require each Fire Authority to produce an Integrated Risk Management Plan which includes targets and objectives for reducing risks, balancing prevention and intervention and determining response standards and resource allocation. Since 50% of fire fatalities are dead before the Fire Service is called, the plans will enable Fire Authorities and Services to move resources into prevention. Implementation of these proposals will mean changes; some fire stations may be closed or moved and shift patterns altered. To avoid public misconceptions, Government must help Authorities explain why there may be changes to local Fire Services.

Government must carefully scrutinise the impact of Integrated Risk Management Plans, particularly consistency; and should introduce performance indicators relating to risk management. Accurate and timely incident information must also be available; the information available currently will not enable assessment of Fire Service risk management. Review of fire incident forms is therefore vital.

The Government expects Integrated Risk Management Plans to generate savings, which will assist Fire Authorities in funding the recent firefighters pay award. Until such savings are produced, Government has provided a £30 million loan to Fire Authorities. We have concerns about the distribution and recovery of this loan. Government must ensure appropriate distribution and equitable recovery.

The White Paper proposes that the Audit Commission take over inspection of the Fire Service from HM Fire Service Inspectorate. We are concerned that the Government has failed to provide sufficient performance indicators to guide the Audit Commission's performance monitoring.

Prevention of fire is a key element of the White Paper, thus the Government's decision to relax its target to cut down the number of deliberate fires and extend the time available to meet the targets on accidental fire-related deaths is surprising. We are concerned that Government did not consult sufficiently with relevant parties before relaxing these targets.

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