Select Committee on Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions Fifth Report


Tuesday 9 December 2003  Page
Ms Sarah Webb, Director of Policy, Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Ev 1
Mr Andrew Griffiths, Principal Policy Officer, and Mr Peter Brown, Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner and Manager of Private Sector Housing, Croydon Council, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) Ev 1
Ms Jenny Saunders, Director of Communications, and Mr Ronald Campbell, Information Officer, National Energy Action (NEA) Ev 8
Ms Georgia Klein, Senior Policy Officer, and Ms Jill Johnstone, Head of Policy, Research and Strategy, National Consumer Council Ev 8
Ms Marie Pye, Head of Policy, Policy Analyst, Disability Rights Commission (DRC) Ev 11
Mr Paul Gamble, Habinteg Housing Association Ev 11
Mr John Stewart, Chair, UK Noise Association (UKNA) Ev 11
Anne Kirkham, Head of Decent Homes Finance and Co-ordination, Mr Neil McDonald, Director of Housing, and Mr Jeff Hollingworth, Head of Private Sector Renewal Branch, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Ev 14

Tuesday 16 December 2003
Mr Roy Irwin, Chief Inspector of Housing, and Mr Roger Jarman, Strategic Policy Advisor, Audit Commission Ev 22
Dr Norman Perry, Chief Executive, and Mrs Clare Miller, Director of Regulation Policy, Housing Corporation Ev 22
Mr Colin Meech, National Officer, UNISON Ev 29
Mr Alan Walter, member of DCH National Committee, and Ms Eileen Short, member of DCH National Committee, Defend Council Housing Ev 29
Councillor Ruth Bagnall, Chair of LGA Housing Executive, and Mr Mike Atherton, Head of Housing and Consumer Services, Telford and Wrekin Council, Local Government Association (LGA) Ev 32
Councillor Graham Chapman and Ms Lynne Pennington, Corporate Director of Housing, Nottingham City Council Ev 32
Ms Maria O'Brien, Divisional Manager for Housing Strategy and Investment, and Ms Sue Mansfield, Housing Investment Manager, Liverpool City Council Ev 32
Mr Nigel Brooke, Chief Executive, City West Homes, and Ms Frances Mapstone, Chief Housing Officer, Westminster Council Ev 37
Councillor Stephen Cowan, Chairman of Housing, Brenda McLean, Tenant Representative, and Mr Steve Hilditch, Chairman of Hammersmith and Fulham Housing, Hammersmith and Fulham Council Ev 37

Tuesday 13 January 2004
Mr ADC Greenwood, Chief Executive, Bethnal Green and Victoria Park Housing Association Ev 43
Ms Deborah Frances Shackleton, Group Chief Executive, and Ms Caroline Field, Head of Housing Policy, Riverside Housing Association Ev 43
Mr John Craggs, Group Strategic Executive, and Mr Andrew Taylor, Group Finance Director, Sunderland Housing Group Ev 48
Dr David Smith, Chief Executive, Atlantic Housing Group Ev 48
Mr Phil Morgan, Chief Executive, and Mr Rich Warrington, Policy Officer, Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) Ev 54
Mr Mel Cairns, Environmental Health Consultant Ev 54
Mrs Claire Astbury, Housing Policy and Research Officer, and Mr Greg Falvey, Head of Crawley Homes, Crawley Borough Council Ev 58

Tuesday 28 January 2004
Mr Jim Coulter, Chief Executive, Mr Danny Friedman, Head of Policy, and Mr Nigel Minto, Head of Projects, National Housing Federation Ev 62
Rt Hon Keith Hill, a Member of the House, Minister of State for Housing and Planning, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Ev 67
Ms Anne Kirkham, Decent Homes Finance and Co-ordination, and Mr Jeff Hollingworth, Head of Private Sector Renewal, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Ev 67

Monday 2 February 2004
Mr Peter Dixon, Chairman, Housing Corporation Ev 79

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