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House of Commons
Session 2003-04
Publications on the internet
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning,
Local Government and the Regions Committee Publications

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning,
Local Government and the Regions - Written Evidence

Here you can browse the Written Evidence ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 27 April 2004.

Written evidence


Memorandum by Austin Mitchell MP on behalf of the Parliamentary Council Housing Group (DEC 50)

Memorandum by the London Borough of Greenwich (DEC 51)

Memorandum by the London Tenants Federation (DEC 52)

Memorandum by David Smith, Chief Executive, Atlantic Housing Group (DEC 43)

Memorandum by the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) (DEC 54)

Memorandum by the Association of London Government (ALG) (DEC 55)

Memorandum by Mr M Cairns MCIEH (DEC 56)

Memorandum by The Riverside Group (DEC 57)

Memorandum by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) (DEC 58)

Memorandum by The Places for People Group (DEC 59)

Memorandum by The Guinness Trust (DEC 60)

Memorandum by the Audit Commission's Housing Inspectorate (DEC 61)

Supplementary Memorandum by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (DEC 01(a))

Memorandum by the Housing Law Practitioners Association (DEC 62)

Memorandum by Care & Repair England (DEC 63)

Memorandum by the Peabody Trust (DEC 64)

Supplementary Memorandum by National Energy Action (NEA) (DEC 09 (a))

Supplementary Memorandum by Defend Council Housing (DEC 40(a))

Supplementary memorandum by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (DEC 01(b))

Supplementary memorandum by the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) (DEC 54(a))

Memorandum from the London Borough of Camden (DEC 65)

Supplementary memorandum by the National Housing Federation (DEC 21(a))

Supplementary memorandum by the National Housing Federation (DEC 21(b))

Supplementary memorandum by Bethnal Green & Victoria Park Housing Association (DEC 42(a))

Supplementary memorandum by the Peabody Trust (DEC 64(a))

Supplementary memorandum by the London Borough of Camden (DEC 65(a))

Response to Keith Hill's Answers to Select Committee Questions Wednesday 28 January

Memorandum by the Housing Corporation (DEC 66)

Supplementary memorandum by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (DEC 01(c))

Supplementary memorandum by Westminster City Council and City West Homes (DEC 34(e))

Supplementary memorandum by the Housing Corporation (DEC 66(a))

Supplementary memorandum by the Housing Corporation (DEC 66(b))

Memorandum by the South Acton Residents Action Group (SARAG) (DEC 67)

Memorandum by Sheffield City Council (DEC 68)

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Prepared 7 May 2004