Select Committee on Public Accounts Thirtieth Report

The reference number of the Treasury Minute to each Report is printed in brackets after the HC printing number

List of Reports from the Committee of Public Accounts Session 2003-04
First ReportTackling fraud against the Inland Revenue HC 62 (Cm 6130)
Second ReportThe new electricity trading arrangements in England and Wales HC 63 (Cm 6130)
Third ReportThe Sheep Annual Premium Scheme HC 64 (Cm 6136)
Fourth ReportImproving service delivery: the Forensic Science Service HC 137 (Cm 6155)
Fifth ReportWarm Front: helping to combat fuel poverty HC 206 (Cm 6175)
Sixth ReportDepartment of Trade and Industry: Regional Grants in England HC 207 (Cm 6155)
Seventh ReportProgress on 15 major capital projects funded by Arts Council England HC 253 (Cm 6155)
Eighth ReportThe English national stadium project at Wembley HC 254 (Cm 6155)
Ninth ReportReview of grants made to the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns HC 305 (Cm 6175)
Tenth ReportPurchasing and managing software licences HC 306 (Cm 6175)
Eleventh ReportHelping consumers benefit from competition in telecommunications HC 405 (Cm 6191)
Twelfth ReportGetting it right, putting it right: Improving decision-making and appeals in social security benefits HC 406 (Cm 6191)
Thirteenth ReportExcess Votes 2002-03 HC 407 (N/A)
Fourteenth ReportInland Revenue: Tax Credits HC 89
Fifteenth ReportProcurement of vaccines by the Department of Health HC 429
Sixteenth ReportProgress in improving the medical assessment of incapacity and disability benefits HC 120 (Cm 6191)
Seventeenth Report Hip replacements: an update HC 40
Eighteenth ReportPFI: The new headquarters for the Home Office HC 501
Nineteenth ReportMaking a difference: Performance of maintained secondary schools in England HC 104
Twentieth ReportImproving service delivery: the Veterans Agency HC 551
Twenty-first Report Housing the homelessHC 559
Twenty-second Report Excess Votes (Northern Ireland) 2002-03 HC 560
Twenty-third Report Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ): New Accommodation Programme HC 65
Twenty-fourth Report Transforming the performance of HM Customs and Excise through electronic service delivery HC 138
Twenty-fifth Report Managing resources to deliver better public services HC 181
Twenty-sixth Report Difficult forms: how government departments interact with citizens HC 255
Twenty-seventh Report Identifying and tracking livestock in England HC 326
Twenty-eighth Report Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency: Trust Statement Report 2002-03 HC 336
Twenty-ninth Report Improving public services for older people HC 626
Thirtieth ReportOut of sight—not out of mind: Ofwat and the public sewer network in England and Wales HC 463

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Prepared 20 July 2004