Select Committee on Public Accounts Minutes of Evidence

Supplementary memorandum submitted by HM Customs and Excise for evidence session held on 26 January on HM Customs and Excise: Standard Report 2002-03


1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03
% %% %%
No. cases 1,926 1,969 2,2092,179 1,845
No. convictions1,66286.29 1,75989.331,896 85.831,94789.35 1,62588.13
No. with no convictions109 5.66894.52 1155.21113 5.191146.18
Non jury disposals197 5.04864.37 1195.3988 4.04914.93
Other2583.01 351.7879 3.58311.42 140.76

  1.  Number of cases that did not reach the jury either as a result of Customs or the judge stopping the prosecution, for example:

    —  Cases withdrawn where we have offered no evidence or stayed proceedings

    —  Cases where the judge has ordered an acquittal

    —  Cases where the judge has directed an acquittal

    —  Cases that lie on file

    —  Cases that have been dismissed by a Magistrate

    —  Cases where the defendant has been discharged before evidence was heard

    —  Cases where the defendant has been discharged after evidence has been heard.

  2.  Includes both defendants who have absconded and those about whom we do have accurate information.

11 March 2004

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