Select Committee on Public Administration Written Evidence

Memorandum by T L Johnston (HON 9)

  I am prompted to write to you after reading the enclosed piece in the FT. In that you are quoted as intending to look at the Honours systems of other countries. May I suggest that you have a look at Sweden as one of your list.

  I learned nearly 20 years ago, when I was appointed a Commander of the Royal Swedish Order of the Polar Star, that the Swedes had abandoned their domestic system, but they had retained it for foreigners. In part, their reason for doing so was to make it possible for them to return to domestic honours should they ever wish to do so. It seemed a typically pragmatic Swedish approach!

  I recall also that I was not asked in advance whether I was interested in an Honour, but simply received a letter of appointment.

  No doubt the staff of the Swedish Embassy in London will be able to give you a greater in-depth explanation of past and present in Swedish Honours than I can.

January 2004

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