Select Committee on Public Administration Written Evidence

Memorandum by The Physiological Society (HON 49)

  The Physiological Society is a learned society founded in 1875 and it continues to represent physiologists mainly from the UK but also from abroad. You will be aware that that Physiology underpins the advances, the teaching and the practice of Medicine. After a recent restructuring of the Society, Professor Colin Blakemore was appointed as the first President in our history. He served from 2001 to 2003, stepping down only to take up his post as Chief Executive at the Medical Research Council. His stature and his contribution to Physiology and to Science generally in the UK are unquestioned.

  The Physiological Society appreciates the support shown by this government for biomedical science and the responsible use of animals in medical experiments. There is no doubt however that the leak surrounding the potential honour for Professor Colin Blakemore, was very damaging and implied, in addition to a lack of consistency between Government departments, that current procedures were insufficiently rigorous to resist bias from certain pressure groups.

  We welcome the review of the system you are currently undertaking, and hope that you will recommend the implementation of a system that is transparent, rigorous and which rewards people for their contribution to society irrespective of the controversial area within which they work.

Professor Dafydd Walters

Chairman of the Executive Committee

February 2004

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