Select Committee on Public Administration Written Evidence

Memorandum by the Rt Hon Lord Monro of Langholm AE DL (HON 64)

  1.  I believe, strongly, we should continue the present system, but with some modifications.

  They are:

    (1)  Much more weight in the CBE-OBE-MBE area should go to the recommendation of the Lord Lieutenant. I had 34 years of experience as an MP and had an excellent relationship with successive Lords Lieutenant. The frustration at the few awards accepted by the Scottish Office was obvious. The Lords Lieutenants know more about local affairs than Civil Servants.

    (2)  As Minister for Sport in the Department of Environment from 1979-81 I felt the Minister's recommendations were not given sufficient weight by the Sports Scrutiny Committee. I believe the Minister should at least see the proposed final list and other suggestions if necessary.

  As Minister for Sport in the Scottish Office 1992-95 I found the situation somewhat better in that the Civil Servants discussed the candidates for awards. Again the Minister did not see the final list before publication.

  The situation continued with other Departments with which I had responsibility—Agriculture, Environment and Fishing. I believe Ministers have a duty to look closely at awards, but not of course either a definite approval or rejection.

March 2004

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