Select Committee on Public Administration Written Evidence

Memorandum by D W Dawson (HON 65)

  I understand that you would welcome comments on your consultation paper. Although I respond as an individual the following comments arise from discussions with friends and neighbours.

  The titles of Sir and Dame should be severely restricted to those persons who have performed in fields outside their routine work, unless their action or thought has brought international credit to this country.

  The social division is exacerbated by the awards, apparently automatic, to top grade civil servants, members of the armed forces, business tycoons, and retiring MPs, all of whom may—in the past—not have received an appropriate salary but who nowadays are well remunerated. The giving of awards should not be used for political purposes. Lesser honours should be limited to those doing voluntary work. We would like to believe that all paid workers try their best without thought of an award. The choice of recipient is often of a representative of a certain group of workers but the selection of the one individual can be puzzling when so many are equally deserving.

  The total number of awards each six months could well be reduced to 100.

March 2004

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