Select Committee on Public Administration Written Evidence

Memorandum by Professor Peter S Harper (HON 100)

  I was fortunate to be awarded a knighthood in the recent list, so my experience might be relevant. I nearly declined it as I had no wish to be called "sir", but after thought decided to accept but not to use the title.

  I gather that changes are being planned and would suggest that removing the title "sir" would be an excellent thing; it would remove the element of snobbery that tends to surround such titles, while retaining the honour involved. Presumably it would allow knighthoods to be awarded to both sexes equally, which would be important.

  I suspect that others may have similar views, but some may have declined honours because of the surrounding aspects, which would be a pity. I am told that in Holland they award knighthoods but without the title.

  I do not know how far your discussions have gone but should be interested to see a copy of any summary of proposals.

Professor Peter S Harper

Institute of Medical Genetics

University of Wales College of Medicine

July 2004

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