Letter from Dr Ray Greek, Europeans for
Medical Advancement, to the Chairman
The issue of testing chemicals for their effects
on the environment and on humans is of utmost importance and it
was refreshing to speak with MPs who also hold that view.
I do have a concern that relates to this issue,
As you know, we have spoken with numerous environmental
groups who agree with us that the current REACH concept of using
animals to test for effects of chemicals on the environment is
misguided. The idea that testing chemicals on three or four species
and obtaining from this, informative data for what the chemical
will do to other species and the environment as a whole is specious.
The green groups realise this but do not wish
to bring this position to bear least they lose what political
influence they think they have achieved with this campaign.
I realise that green groups have fought for
years in order to influence public policy and I agree with many
of their efforts. But to sacrifice principle, and in this case,
in all likelihood, human and animal lives in order not to
be perceived as being too radical is disingenuous at best and
immoral at worst.
Please consider this when deciding what action
to take on this issue.