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House of Commons
Session 2003-04
Publications on the internet
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards Committee Publications

Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards - Annual Report 2003-04

Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 5 July 2004.



1 Strengthening the standards system

2 Emphasising prevention

3 Investigating complaints

4 Other registers

5 Resourcing the work

6 Conclusion and forward look

Appendix 1: Standing Orders Nos 149 & 150, as revised by the House on 26 June 2003

Appendix 2: Frivolous or vexatious complaints

Appendix 3: Avoidance of conflict of interest: Guidance for chairmen and members of select committees

Appendix 4: Description of the arrangements for regulating standards of conduct in the House of Commons

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Prepared 6 July 2004