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Session 2003-04
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Treasury Committee Publications

Treasury - Written Evidence

Here you can browse the Written Evidence ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 22 January 2004.

Written evidence


Preliminary memorandum from Association of British Insurers (6 November 2003)

Memorandum submitted by the Association of British Insurers: endowment mortgages (November 2003)

Memorandum submitted by Association of British Insurers (12 January 2004)

Further memorandum submitted by ABI: endowment mortgages (16 January 2004)

Memorandum by the Association of Independent Financial Advisers (AIFA) (January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by The Association of Friendly Societies (7 January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by Aviva Plc (November 2003)

Supplementary memorandum submitted by Aviva plc (5 February 2004)

Memorandum submitted by Building and Civil Engineering Benefit Schemes (B&CE) (6 January 2004)

Memorandum by The Chartered Insurance Institute (9 January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by Citizens Advice (December 2003)

Memorandum submitted by the Consumers' Association: endowment mortgages (November 2003)

Memorandum submitted by the Consumer's Association (January 2004)

Further memorandum submitted by the Consumer's Association : endowment mortgages (January 2004)

Supplementary note from the Consumers' Association (30 January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by the Financial Ombudsman Service: endowment mortgages (25 November 2003)

Memorandum submitted by the Financial Services Authority (FSA): endowment mortgages (27 November 2003)

Memorandum submitted by the Financial Services Authority (15 January 2004)

Further memorandum submitted by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) on endowment mortgages (23 January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by the Financial Services Consumer Panel: Endowment mortgages (25 November 2003)

Memorandum submitted by the Financial Services Consumer Panel (January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by HBOS (January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by Help the Aged (November 2003)

Memorandum submitted by HM Treasury (8 January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by INVESCO (6 January 2003)

Memorandum submitted by the Investment Management Association (IMA) (12 January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by Legal and General Group Plc (January 2004)

Further memorandum submitted by Legal and General Group Plc: endowment mortgages (23 January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by Mr Paul Myners (January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by the National Consumer Council (NCC) (January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by Prudential plc (12 January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by the Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Group Plc (January 2004)

Supplementary memorandum submitted by the Royal & Sun Alliance Group (9 February 2004)

Memorandum submitted by Mr Ron Sandler (January 2004)

Memorandum submitted by Standard Life (January 2004)

Further memorandum submitted by Standard Life: Endowment Mortgages (28 January 2004)

Letter from the Financial Services Authority (FSA) (12 February 2004)

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Prepared 26 February 2004