Select Committee on Treasury Fifth Special Report

List of Reports from the Treasury Committee since 2001

Session 2003-04 ReportGovt Response*
First ReportThe Transparency of Credit Card Charges HC 125HC 431
Second ReportChild Trust Funds HC 86HC 387
Third ReportThe 2003 Pre-Budget Report HC 136HC 478
Fourth ReportAnnual Report for 2003 HC 386
Fifth ReportRestoring confidence in long-term savings: Endowment mortgages HC 394HC 655
Sixth ReportThe 2004 Budget HC 479HC 654
Seventh ReportThe Administrative Costs of Tax Compliance HC 269awaited
Session 2002-03
First ReportNational Statistics: The Classification of Network Rail HC 154HC 550
Second ReportThe 2002 Pre-Budget Report HC 159HC 528
Third ReportSplit Capital Investment Trusts HC 418HC 651
Fourth ReportThe Handling of the Joint Inland Revenue/
Customs and Excise PFI Project
HC 184HC 706
Fifth ReportAnnual Report for 2002 HC 491
Sixth ReportThe UK and the Euro HC 187HC 1004
Seventh ReportThe 2003 Budget HC 652HC 1028
Eighth ReportAppointment to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England of Mr Richard Lambert HC 811
Ninth ReportAppointment of Ms Rachel Lomax as a Deputy Governor of the Bank of England and member of the Monetary Policy Committee HC 1011
Tenth ReportInland Revenue Matters HC 834HC 1181
Session 2001-02
First ReportThe 2001 Census in England and Wales HC 310HC 852
Second ReportBudget 2002 HC 780HC 1075
Third ReportThe Office of Government Commerce HC 851HC 1217
Fourth ReportAppointment to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England of Mr Paul Tucker and Ms Marian Bell HC 880
Fifth ReportBanking, the Consumer and Small Businesses HC 818HC 1218
Sixth ReportThe Financial Regulation of Public Limited Companies HC 758HC 1219
Seventh ReportParliamentary Accountability of Departments HC 340HC (2002-03) 149
Eighth ReportInland Revenue: Self Assessment Systems HC 681HC 1220
Ninth ReportAppointment of Sir Andrew Large as a Deputy Governor of the Bank of England and member of the Monetary Policy Committee HC 1189
* Government Responses are usually received in the same session as the Report was published. Accordingly, the HC number refers to that session unless otherwise indicated.

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Prepared 17 June 2004