Select Committee on Work and Pensions Minutes of Evidence

Select Committee Hearings on Health and Safety at Work

  I have been contacted by the LGA who informed me that the report prepared by the Centre for Corporate Accountability on health and safety enforcement is being presented to the Select Committee you are Chairing. This report contains a factual error in that Lambeth did not carry out zero inspections in 1999-2000 as it states.

  The first we knew about the publication of this report was when an article appeared about it in the Environmental Health weekly magazine "Environmental Health News" on 10 October 2003. This was discussed with the editor and subsequently with the HSE's Local Authority Unit to establish the figures differed. For your assistance I enclose copies of the relevant emails between the editor of "Environmental Health News" and I at that time which includes the figures from our monitoring data. An editor's note apologising for publishing this error appeared the following week on 17 October 2003.

  It seems that somewhere between the information leaving here and arriving on the HSE's database, the data disappeared. We were not aware of this until the article appeared. I do not believe that the HSE sold the information on to the Centre for Corporate Accountability with any malice and similarly I do not consider that the subsequent report cited Lambeth in any mischievous manner as the data had been gained from a credible source. The fact remains however that the original data source from four years ago was flawed and so gives a misleading picture.

  I do hope this is of assistance to the Select Committee.

Roger Slaughter

Head of Consumer Protection

24 March 2004

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