Select Committee on Work and Pensions Fourth Report


  287.  The question as to whether insurance can play a greater role in improving health and safety standards arose in the course of evidence to the Committee. The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) talked about the case for making the compensation system an express part of health and safety and referred to fear of compensation claims as a lever in encouraging schools to adopt anti-bullying policies.[483] Concerns were expressed to the Committee that a 'compensation culture' was developing in the UK. [484] The Committee notes, however, that a recent report of the Government's Better Regulation Task Force, found this not to be the case.[485] This was confirmed in evidence to the Committee by the then Minister for Work, Des Browne.[486] Figures from the Compensation Recovery Unit (which records personal injury claims made to general insurers and then related to employers' liability claims specifically) show that between 2000/01 and 2002/03, the number of claims in this area actually fell by 16% from just over 219,000 to just over 183,000.

  288.  Revitalising stated that 'major reform of the compensation, benefits and insurance system presents the prospect of a powerful new lever to raise health and safety standards.' [487]One way of using insurance as a lever to encourage good practice on health and safety is to link a company's insurance premiums to its risk levels. The Association of British Insurers told us that insurance companies were able to do this with larger companies who have a 'claims experience' on which to base this.[488] Furthermore, it was viable for the insurance company to visit the firm, get to know the management and make recommendations for risk improvement. With smaller business, this is often not viable or cost effective, particularly when the insurance company has hundreds of thousands of customers. ABI explains that in the case of smaller companies, therefore, the approach is to base the premium on the claims experience of groups of firms, usually by sector or trade.

  289.  The Department for Work and Pensions, in its review of Employer's Liability insurance, has emphasised that more effort should be made to link premiums to health and safety[489]. Individual insurance companies have developed questionnaires to help them better understand efforts being made by SMEs to manage risks. The ABI and member companies are successfully operating the Making the Market Work initiative, which assesses the health and safety performance of trade associations.

483   Volume II (Ev 63, Q224) Back

484   Volume II (Ev 55, Q176) Back

485   Better Regulation Task Force (2004), Better routes to redress. London: The Cabinet Office Back

486   Evidence to the Committee 15 October 2003, Q7 Back

487   HSC (2000), Revitalising Health and Safety Strategy Statement. June 2000, Wetherby,para 116 Back

488   Volume III (No. 59) Back

489   Department for Work and Pensions (2003), Review of Employers' Liability Compulsory Insurance, First Stage Report. Department for Work and Pensions. Back

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