Select Committee on Work and Pensions Fourth Report


Wednesday 17 March 2004
Mr Allan St John Holt and Mr Richard Jones, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, Mr Roger Bibbings and Mr John Howard, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, Dr Bill Gunneyon, Faculty of Occupational Medicine and Dr David Wright, Society of Occupational Medicine.
Ev 1
Mr Peter Chalke, Ms Caroline Seymour and Mr William Myers, Local Government Association.
Ev 9
Wednesday 24 March 2004
Mr Hugh Robertson, Trades Union Congress, Mr Terry Lane, Mr Steve Kay and Mr Graeme Henderson, Prospect.
Ev 25
Mr David Bergman and Dr Courtney Davis, Centre for Corporate Accountability and Mrs Anne Jones, Simon Jones Memorial Campaign.
Ev 34
Wednesday 21 April 2004
Dr Janet Asherson and Mr Keith Sexton, Confederation of British Industry, Ms Mary Boughton and Dr Jacqueline Jeynes, Federation of Small Businesses and Mr Gary Booton, EEF, the manufacturers' organisation
Ev 48
Wednesday 5 May 2004
Mr David Marshall and Mr Colin Ettinger, Association of Personal Injury Lawyers
Ev 62
Ms Hope Daley and Ms June Chandler, UNISON, Ms Sheelagh Brewer and Ms Cynthia Atwell, Royal College of Nursing.
Ev 65
Mr Bill McClimont, United Kingdom Home Care Association.
Ev 71
Mr Keith Johnston, Mr Julian Topping and Dr Gill Morgan, NHS Confederation, Mr Steven Sumner and Mr Roy Benjamin, Employer's Organisation for Local Government Association.
Ev 73
Tuesday 11 May 2004
Mr Ian Tasker, Scottish Trades Union Congress, Ms Kathy Jenkins and Mr Scott Donohoe, Scottish Hazards Campaign Group.
Ev 81
Cllr Alison Hay, Mr James Fowlie and Mr John Arthur, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
Ev 88
Dr Kit Harling, NHS Plus and Mr Simon Pickvance, Sheffield Occupational Health Advisory Service.
Ev 95
Mr Kevin Curran, GMB and Mr Alan Ritchie, UCATT.
Ev 105
Mr Trevor Walker, Mr Stephen Ratcliffe, Mr Bill Rabbetts and Mr John Stenton, Construction Confederation.
Ev 115
Wednesday 12 May 2004
Mr Bill Callaghan, Health and Safety Commission and Mr Timothy Walker, Health and Safety Executive.
Ev 125
Wednesday 19 May 2004
Rt Hon Jane Kennedy MP, Minister of State for Work and Mr Gareth Williams, Department for Work and Pensions
Ev 144

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